What climbing plants to choose to give - recommendations

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It’s not a problem to find an option that satisfies all needs, desires and dreams, under current conditions. Moreover, there are traditional versions that have been used by gardeners for a long time.

Here are just a few of the names of popular climbers:

  • Ipomoea. The plant reaches a height of 3-5 meters. This flower is known for the fact that there are more than 500 of its varieties and species. Why colors, sizes and shapes of flowers, gramophones are very diverse.
  • TEKOMA( Campsis).Plant height up to 15 meters. Flowers funnel-shaped tubes up to 10 cm in length and 3-5 in width. The flowers are yellow, orange, red or pink.
  • Passionflower. There are both perennial and annual varieties. Depending on this, the plant can reach from 2 to 10 meters. The flowers resemble a star, the colors of which vary from white to blue, pink and mixed.
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  • Canary ivy. If to create favorable conditions, the bush lives more than 15 years, and reaches 30 meters in height. At the same time, it begins to blossom only from 10 years old.
  • Grapes maiden. The plant reaches 20 meters or more in height. The leaves with the onset of cold weather are painted in rich purple tones. The grapes are small dark blue.
  • Hop. Rapidly growing culture reaches 4-8 meters in height. Flowers pineal gently green. The leaves are carved, juicy green. There are different types, for example, Japanese hops - this is an annual, hop is an ordinary perennial plant.
  • Climbing Rose. There are 3 types of climbing roses: large-flowered climbers, cardesia hybrids, ramblers. It is from what kind of rose, will depend on the height of the bush, and the size of the flower, and the frequency of flowering. On average, the size of the bush from 3 to 6 meters in height.
  • Wisteria.15 meters of this plant are decorated with 30-cm brush, and so all summer. Flowers can be pink and purple, and white.
  • Sweet Peas. The height of this delicate bush with a charming smell from 2 meters. Two summer months, the plant gives an incredibly elegant flowers, collected in the brush.
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These and many other plants, the seedlings of which can be easily purchased, are perfect for temperate climatic zones. This means that they will easily transfer the landing and will not require additional care in the future. The assortment is large, so there are no problems with how to choose climbing plants.

If some of them can create a green carpet, most still need support. These can be:

  • arches,
  • pergolas,
  • ordinary fence,
  • arbors,
  • architectural structures,
  • monuments,
  • facades of buildings,
  • tree trunks.

So you can independently create compositions that will make any idea even more interesting and exciting.

A variety of perennial climbers for giving

Growing perennial vines is a very interesting thing, because of them you can form whole compositions, changing their forms and combining with other colors. Moreover, the majority of perennial climbers planted in the country, delight their flowering over a long period.

  • Tecom.
    Prefers a mild climate, good watering, autumn pruning of old stems, spring and summer feeding, then the bush blooms better. It can be propagated by seeds, but in order for the comma to bloom faster, it is better to do the root growth, cuttings or layering. In the autumn, before the onset of cold weather, the stalk is planted at an angle to the ground. And it’s best to do it on the place where it will constantly grow, since the survival rate of the shoot is very high.
  • Canary ivy.
    The dacha's decoration will be this plant if it is properly cared for. Allowed and the brightness of the summer sun, and partial shade, depending on the variety. If the leaves are colored, it is advisable to choose a well-lit place. Water plentifully as the earthen clod dries off the bush. At least once a week, ivy needs to be fed with mineral fertilizers. Pruning is important for the formation of bush pomp.
  • Wisteria.
    This is one of the most attractive climbing plants. It seems that it alone can replace the whole garden, so wisteria blooms so beautifully. Some of the species of this bush have 8 meters, when others reach the 15-meter mark. This frost-resistant flower needs timely watering, light soil, bright sun and to be fertilized once a week. Liana needs a solid footing. At the end of flowering, the plant is cut, and wrapped before the cold.
  • Grapes maiden.
    This vine is one of the most beloved by summer residents. And all because of its unpretentiousness. Grapes are shade-tolerant, frost-resistant, grows quickly, is not picky either to lighting or to the soil, durable, rarely falls ill, simply multiplies by cuttings and seeds. But many believe that the main advantage is that the bush is easy to form through pruning, thanks to which it is an excellent material in the hands of those craftsmen who love to decorate the cottage with their own resources.
  • Hop.
    The gently-intoxicating smell of a plant and the density of its crown are attractive, creating a cozy atmosphere. But he himself feels comfortable only in partial shade, then he is less susceptible to diseases. He loves moisture, but not waterlogging, and prefers loamy soil to everyone else. Does not require special care, except that sufficient fertilizing in the fall with organic matter.
  • Climbing Rose.
    This beauty is the most common climbing plant in the gardeners. And not without reason, all the cares for her care are compensated for by the generous flowering of incredible beauty. The basic principles of rose care are timely watering and fertilizer for 7 months, from April to October. Also important are pruning after flowering, for winter and spring, and proper planting so that the bush does not grow in a draft, not in the shade, and is not open to direct rays of the sun, and the earth must be well drained and light. And one more thing, the rose must be wrapped up with the onset of the first cold weather. This can be done directly on a support or bending down to the ground, sprinkled with earth, foliage or spruce branches, and covered with a special cloth on top.
Read also: Overview of fast-growing perennial shrubs for hedges at the cottage

Annual climbing plants for giving

Annual climbing plants are especially popular among summer residents. They are no less beautiful than their perennial counterparts, but the care and planting of such flowers is very simple, to the extent that they can multiply by self-sowing. In addition, most often these flowers grow faster and care for them is minimal.

  • Passionflower.
    This vine grows very quickly, preferring abundant watering, but it is important that there is no stagnation of soil moisture, which passionflower does not tolerate well. The place for planting is chosen on the basis of the fact that the bush feels fine under ambient light. The plant must be fed once a week with organic matter or mineral fertilizers. Mandatory pruning those shoots that are bare and excessively long. The young bush is transplanted every year, in early spring, mature - once in several years.
  • Sweet Peas.
    This flower does not like drafts and direct sunlight, although it prefers to grow in well-lit areas. It is suitable for abundant watering. The plant propagates by seeds, in April-May they should be sown directly in open ground.
  • Ipomoea.
    It is planted with seeds before winter, then they do not need to be buried deep in the ground, or in April, May, when there is still enough moisture in the soil. The flower perfectly transfers both the sun, and shady places. In dry weather, it can be watered, but at the same time, make sure that there is no stagnation of water. It is better to fertilize it only in spring, while the green mass is growing.
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In addition to the beauty that lianas give, you can use them in several other directions, for example, to decorate outbuildings, and as a shadow over the gazebo or porch at home on a hot summer day.

But there is another benefit from climbing plants in the country.

With their help, you can zone the area, gently separating the working area from the comfortable resting place.

In addition, some grapes, hops, and other climbers that are not afraid of drafts can be planted as a shield from the wind, or the bright sun, to protect other plants. All this makes up the comfort and design of the cottage, which helps to rest on it, spending less energy and getting a lot of pleasant impressions.

Climbing Plants for Summer House Decor - Video

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