1 About Materials
- 1.1 Low pressure polyethylene pipes
- 1.2 Cast iron or steel pipes
- 2 What pipes are recommended to be used
The laying of an external pipeline is a responsible matter, since completely different requirements are imposed on such pipes. They must be durable, flexible and, most importantly, frost-resistant. According to plumbers, any material can withstand frost and high temperatures, but things get complicated if there is water inside. Given this fact, we can say that any filled pipe can burst if it is not properly insulated.

So that the pipes do not burst from the water that has expanded in them, it is necessary to select the appropriate communications. They can be calculated by a number of signs:
- The color of pipes for outdoor routing is plain orange. It helps to avoid damage during landwork;
- The wall thickness of the outer pipes is approximately 1.5 times higher than the inner ones. This is due to the fact that they have to withstand heavy loads, including pressure drops, shrinkage of the building and the effect of contrasting temperatures;
- Such pipes have increased resistance;
- Heat resistance of external communications is higher than internal. This is achieved using thickness and special material;
- Their service life is much higher than ordinary pipes;
- At a price, elements of external sewage are 20% more expensive.

Experts warn that the gray color of the pipes indicates their low frost resistance and strength. Such communications easily freeze and burst, as they become very fragile.

About Materials
It is worth remembering that the pipe of almost any material, even the most frost-resistant, will not withstand severe cold if it is not laid correctly and heat insulation is not used. But still, some materials categorically do not recommend installation on the street.

Low pressure polyethylene pipes
These are cheap plastic pipes that bend well and are easy to install, but in the cold they become very fragile. Also, they can not be heated above 70 degrees, and fittings for them have a high cost.

Cast iron or steel pipes
Once pipes of these materials were ubiquitous due to the lack of alternatives. The owners of such outdoor water pipes are more likely to receive an unpleasant surprise if the communications were installed above the level of freezing of the soil.

What pipes are recommended to be used
There are two materials that are not afraid of freezing water in pipes and are able to withstand several cycles of freezing and thawing. These include pipes made of metal, as well as polypropylene. They have fairly elastic walls that stretch if the water freezes, and after thawing, they take their original shape.

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