Many people want to design their interior in a special way, to make it stand out, and also bring the necessary comfort and coziness. Often resort to the design of the walls with the help of flexible stone trim. This is what will be discussed in today's article.

First of all, you need to know that this material is natural, and you can use it anywhere, whether it is a kitchen, bathroom or living room.

The material is incredibly durable. It can survive on the surface up to 40 years! It should also be noted its thermal stability, which helps to maintain its former appearance at any temperature. It’s easy enough to care for a flexible stone and it’s not difficult to wash it. About a meter of the above material weigh close 4-5 kilograms, and installation and installation are incredibly simple!

Alive, or as it is also called a flexible stone, contains two types of design:
- Finishing some parts of the wall;
- Full wall covering.

In fact, there are practically no differences in the application of these types of design. During operation, the stone should be covered with a special film, which is designed to protect the material from damage. The surface itself, on which the aforementioned finish will be applied, should be made even, thoroughly clean it from dust. To make it smooth (and this is very important), often use plaster or drywall.

After preparing the wall, you should pay attention to the glue, or rather to the setting. It must be excellent for more quality.
Assembly and installation
Flexible stone is usually started to be applied from the top corner of the wall. This is done so that in inconspicuous places there is an opportunity to cut off excess pieces. Glue is applied to the surface. After that, the installation of the material itself begins. Due to the fact that the liquid dries for a long time, you will have the opportunity to apply as much live stone as possible.

The material should be applied evenly. Also do not forget to walk along the stone with a spatula or roller in order to firmly press the finish to the wall. Smoothing is a must!

After most of the work is done, you should paint over the seams with special paint so that they do not stand out. By the way, right now you need to remove the aforementioned protective film! Not before.

As a conclusion, we can say that a flexible or living stone is a very convenient material in application. It looks stylish and attractive, and also will not bring discomfort during use. We hope that our article has helped you understand some issues related to this decoration.

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