Electrical tees - device, grounding, safety

An electric tee (splitter) is used in cases where there are not enough sockets to connect a certain number of electrical appliances. It is important that the total current of devices connected to the splitter does not exceed the allowable load on the wiring.

The shape of electrical splitters or tees can be cruciform, flat, triangular, etc. The performance of the case is not affected by technical characteristics.

Electrical tees: crosswise, flat, triangular
Electrical tees: crosswise, flat, triangular

Many devices may have additional options, for example, electrical splitters or tees with a switch, backlight, as well as with a timer, respectively, the price of such devices will be slightly higher, but use them much more convenient.

Power Button Tee
Power Button Tee

It is also worth mentioning about electrical tees, which have not only sockets for connecting devices powered by a 220V network, but also USB connectors that can be used to charge mobile devices, although such products are already closer to power supplies than to splitters.

USB splitter
USB splitter

As for the prices of tees and splitters, they directly depend on the design of the device, its functionality and reliability, the cost of these devices is approximately the same both in Moscow and Vladivostok.

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  1. Device
  2. Grounding
  3. Protection class
  4. Other types of devices
  5. DIY electric tee
  6. Safety Summary


The splitters are a regular plug connection consisting of a plug and an adapter between it and several outlets, to which various electrical appliances are connected. The plug of the device is inserted into a stationary outlet through which power is supplied.

As a rule, all elements of the splitters are placed in a non-combustible plastic case, which ensures the necessary safety.

The main design requirement is to ensure reliable connections, otherwise contact heating in plug or socket, which will cause them to oxidize and increase the risk of short short circuits.

The photo clearly shows what the unreliable contact between the tee plug and a stationary outlet can lead to. In this case, you will have to change both the outlet and the splitter.

Burnt contacts on socket and tee
Burnt contacts on socket and tee

Note that the reliability of the contact depends both on the internal structure of the splitters and on their shape.

As for the plugs and plug sockets of the tees, they can be made to any standard; in Russia, the European standard electrical splitters are the most common.


If the wiring is grounded, then, of course, that an electric splitter or tee, you also need to buy with grounding, otherwise this option does not matter.

Grounding splitter
Grounding splitter

Protection class

For domestic use, it is enough that the tees have an IP20 protection class, that is, foreign bodies of medium size should not penetrate into the structure. In humid rooms and outdoors, safety rules require the use of devices with a protection class of at least IP44.

Splitter for two wet rooms (IP44)
Splitter for two wet rooms (IP44)

Other types of devices

An extension cord and surge protector can also be assigned to electrical tees or splitters. The second (in addition to the main function - connecting several electrical appliances) may have additional options, such as a voltage stabilizer and short circuit protection.

Makel Extension
Makel Extension

Video: Types of electrical outlets and plugs

DIY electric tee

Note that it is not always possible to purchase an extension cord of the required length, so we will talk about how to do it yourself.

For this we need:

  • cable, we recommend taking the PVA brand, if you plan to do grounding - three-core, otherwise two cores are enough. The cable cross-section must correspond to the connected load, so for 3.5 kW it must be at least 1.5 mm2and for 5kW - at least 2.5mm2;
Double and triple PVA cable
Double and triple PVA cable
  • a block with the necessary number of sockets, we advise you not to get carried away with a large number of them, as practice shows, three or four sockets are quite enough;
Three-slot mock-up
Three-slot mock-up
  • a plug with or without grounding, as appropriate;
  • tools: knife (for cutting the cable) and a screwdriver.

The device is assembled in the following order:

  • the first layer of insulation is removed from each end of the cable, from about 50 to 70 mm;
  • insulation is removed from each core, about one centimeter;
  • then you should disassemble the plug and connect one end of the cable to it. If an extension cord with grounding is made, then be extremely careful, the grounding wire should not be confused with other conductors, as a rule, it is painted yellow-green;
  • after connecting to the cable, the plug is twisted back;
  • the block is disassembled, and the other end of the cable is connected to it, not forgetting about the correct connection of the ground wire (if any);
  • we collect the block, after which the extension cord is ready for use.

Before you start using the extension cord, we recommend that you “ring” it with a tester or multimeter to make sure that the ground connection is correct, and that there is no short circuit.

Keep in mind that with a cable length of more than one hundred meters, a voltage drop is possible, if this happens, take a wire of a larger cross section.

Safety Summary

Please note that tees and extension cords can carry a certain hazard. First of all, this is an electric shock. That is why, according to safety regulations in bathrooms, it is necessary to use devices with a protection class of at least IP44.

It must be remembered that over time, the insulation on the extension cable may fail, resulting in the wire is exposed, and this can not only lead to a short circuit, but also pose a serious threat for life. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check the integrity of the insulation on the cable.

If a large number of electrical appliances are connected to an extension cord or tee, it increases significantly the risk of fire due to heating of the wiring due to the fact that a large load.

Connecting a large number of appliances to a power outlet may cause a fire.
Connecting a large number of appliances to a power outlet may cause a fire.

For the same reason, it is not recommended to use a splitter or extension cord with more than four sockets. Even if there are more sockets for electrical appliances in it, it is undesirable to connect all of them.

Do not connect all outlets on an extension cord with a large number of sockets
Do not connect all outlets on an extension cord with a large number of sockets

Remember that a circuit breaker may not always provide reliable protection; this may be due to several reasons:

  • improperly selected machine, do not put the device on 25A, if this is not necessary, the wiring may begin to melt, and the threshold for operation will not be exceeded;
  • breakdown of a circuit breaker due to its long operation, factory defects or poor quality.

Summing up, we note that an electric tee or extension cord is a necessary measure, if possible, it is better to increase the number stationary sockets to the required number or to upgrade the wiring so that you can connect electrical appliances in the right location.

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