Stretch ceilings are a great way to give the interior originality and sophisticated style. But often there may be problems with lighting such a coating. We suggest you consider which recessed lighting fixtures for suspended ceilings are used, where to buy them, and also how to install and decorate the interior.
Types of fixtures, their pros and cons
For installation on film surfaces LED luminaires for suspended ceilings, because led lamps do not heat up and the likelihood of melting or fire is minimized. The working temperature of the ceiling is 60 degrees, at 80 the surface begins to melt.
Of course, if necessary, cheap luminescent fixtures, but they have a number of disadvantages:
- 3 to 5 seconds tanning time;
- When working, an unpleasant sound is made;
- The light is very bright;
- Harmful to the environment;
- Hazardous in use, difficult to dispose of.
Ceiling diode or halogen lamps for plasterboard and suspended ceilings are especially popular among owners of apartments with high ceilings. Mounting is done on a rough surface, while the lamp post is masked with a stretch film on the ceiling. You can use the model lussole, odeon, Armstrong.
It must be remembered that if absolutely any universal lamp is suitable for the bedroom or living room, then it is necessary to use a bathroom or bath waterproof models. They are characterized by increased requirements for tightness and resistance to condensation (the board and the working surface of the lamps are made of nickel-plated materials).
Tips from builders on the selection of fixtures for suspended ceilings:
- If the room is small, pick up lamps of different colors - this will help create a visual delimitation of space;
- If you do not want to work with drywall, then use ultra-thin models - they do not stretch the film and in brightness they are not inferior to the usual spotlights;
- It is not recommended to install hanging lamps in the bathroom, preferably rotary or sealed thin ones.
Installation of different types of fixtures
The installation and location of the fixtures on a stretch ceiling may vary depending on the type of lamps (there are different types of spot models) or personal preferences. We suggest considering some of the most common options.
Beautiful hanging lamps will help to create a stylish design of a room with high ceilings, such decorative lamps for suspended ceilings are mounted as follows:
- Before installing the tension film, you need to make a special hook in the ceiling, and a chandelier will be mounted on it;
- It is strongly not recommended to use incandescent lamps (especially if the chandelier with horns is up), because of this, the surface of the ceiling may melt or even catch fire.
Designers advise giving preference to models with shades (flat lamps on the ceiling). Lamps of this type are also mounted on a hook, but they are suitable for use in apartments with low ceilings or small utility rooms (attics, closets, garages, etc.). As an option - daisy models.
Mirrored and crystal models help to visually increase the space, and when using light bulbs of different colors, the room is divided into zones.
The easiest way is to mount an LED lamp for stretch ceiling gx 12 series or even a simple tape.
This is a good solution if you need high brightness, but at the same time, a very low voltage in the electrical network. There are several installation options and each has its own characteristics:
- On top of the film cover (as a highlight of a niche or a shade of certain areas of the ceiling);
- Under a film covering (ceiling illumination);
- On multi-level ceilings (in the side faces of the "steps").
Consider several options for installing fixtures.
To create multi-level ceilings, the use of drywall frames is recommended. You can do them yourself or order a service from specialized companies. This framework is as follows:
As you can see, the inside of the frame is hollow, to install decorative spotlights, you need to drill holes that are suitable in diameter. Now we insert the lamps at these intervals, most models of lamps have special deviations with which you can close the joints. Lamps are sealed with a primer or sealant; if necessary, fasteners are reinforced with screws.
Further, several wiring emanate from the chandelier; they need to be connected to the wiring. The principle is exactly the same as when installing conventional lamps. We recommend that you also bring a separate RCD to these lamps. Despite the fact that the power is relatively low, each group of fixtures should be displayed on a separate machine.
Each ceiling level can be illuminated with a separate lamp, and they can have different colors, this is a fairly popular way of zoning a room. To do this, you can use safe lamps content, keydach, linvel, office uniel and others.
The lighting under the film is very beautiful. Often, thin lamps made by Belgium massive, Germany shatten, Russia totci, and ekola are used for such purposes. To do this, you do not need to clearly consider the size of the lamps.
A little easier is the creation of shading. Most stretch ceilings have special niches in which it is easy to install energy-saving overhead lamps of a flat shape like Ekola, see a photo. Depending on the requirements of the interior, you can install such lamps on 4 sides or two.
Builder tips:
- The design of the fixtures should repeat the general mood of the room, square lamps will not fit the direction of shabby chic, and the plafonds will not complement the high-tech;
- Be sure to seal the joints;
- Before you put the lamp on a plastic or drywall frame, it must be treated with putty;
- Before choosing a lamp model, be sure to check the certificates and state standards of the manufacturers;
- Work only with insulated wire.
Video: installation of fixtures in suspended ceilings
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