Which beam to choose for building a house


  • 1 Planed
  • 2 Profiled
  • 3 Glued

It is quite possible to build a house from a natural environmentally friendly tree in our time. Moreover, there is material for construction on the market. There are three types of timber for the house to choose from: profiled, planed and glued. That's just how they differ, and which one is better?



Obtained by trimming the whole log. It looks like a square or rectangle. Assembling a house from it is easier than from logs. This type of timber is inexpensive, which will save money.


However, the low price also affects the quality. The planed beam has high humidity, therefore, when it begins to dry, there will be problems. The beam can warp and bend unexpectedly. Ugly cracks appear in the material, which reduce the appearance and performance properties. With high humidity, it will begin to rot and mold. The house will shrink significantly, which means that installed windows and doors may become deformed, cracks will appear and walls will have to be caulked.

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To buy such a bar is much more profitable than planed. It has been sanded on the front side and has spikes and grooves or a comb on the back sides. The insulation is placed in the grooves, so the wind is not so terrible for him. The advantage of the comb type connection is that it does not need compaction at all, the protruding teeth cling to each other very tightly. But only in the case of dry bars.


Profiled timber is first dried, and then processed on a machine. And he does not give strong shrinkage. But still it is, so cracks can be too.

Many manufacturers produce profiled timber with prepared joints and corners. It is assembled according to the scheme, as a designer for children.



This beam is distinguished by such quality as low humidity, which avoids many problems during shrinkage. In fact, he does not need time to shrink. A house can be built quickly - in one season.


Manufacturers also provided for the impregnation of the timber from rot and fire, there is no need to process it on the site. Ready-made kits with a house assembly scheme are on sale.

Recently, a new type of this beam - D-shaped, has appeared on the market. In appearance, it resembles a rounded log.


Glued beams keep heat well. A wall of a bar of 20 cm in terms of thermal conductivity is 1.5 m thick brick. In winter, such a house holds heat well, and in summer it is cool in it. You can use the beam for partitions between rooms.

Of all three species, glued timber is the best in properties. To build a high-quality and warm wooden house is better, of course, from it. The only negative for buyers will be its high price.

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