How to choose a durable wallpaper glue


  • 1 Types of wallpaper glue
  • 2 Wallpaper glue composition
  • 3 How to choose?

Shining parquet, dazzling snow-white ceiling, sunlight pouring from the window onto new wallpapers sadly hanging from the walls - the owner saw such a picture the newly renovated home will first fall into a state of mild shock, after which, after pouring a “glass” of Valerian officinalis into itself, one will begin to wonder what miss.


There can be many answers to this question, but most often the matter is what is paid the least attention. Remember that exciting moment of choosing a wallpaper: moving from a rack to a rack, covering a distance of tens of kilometers between orderly rows, you suddenly realize that this is it, a dream wallpaper. And then, with a sense of accomplishment, rush headlong to the cash register, grabbing glue in a hurry on the way. In the best case, doubters, busily moving eyebrows, ask the seller a question at the checkout about the "compatibility" of purchases.


However, in order to avoid a landscape of bubbling wallpaper on new walls smelling of fresh stucco, the same careful attention should be paid to choosing the right glue as the wallpaper itself.

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Types of wallpaper glue

Today, wallpaper glue can conditionally be divided into normal glue for light paper wallpaper, special, or glue for vinyl wallpaper and embossed wallpaper, as well as fiberglass adhesive for heavy wallpaper intended for painting, based on textiles, non-woven, foil and glass wall.


Wallpaper glue composition

The composition of different types of glue for wallpaper differs only in the percentage ratio of the components. The ingredients of modern glue are unchanged: the base, bactericides, fungicides and PVA.


The base is a substance that, when interacting with water, forms a sticky solution that allows you to glue the paper web with any building material. It is the degree of viscosity of the solution that determines the adherence of the wallpaper to the wall surface.


PVA is a special additive that is not included in the composition of glue for paper wallpaper, since its purpose is to increase moisture resistance and adhesion, that is, the strength of bonding, heavy types of wallpaper.

Fungicides and bactericides are special antifungal additives that will also protect against the formation of mold and help protect against insects.


How to choose?

When choosing glue, the most important point is to correctly determine the material, the weight of the wallpaper, take into account the surface condition of the walls in the room, as well as its humidity and temperature indicators. So, you narrow down your searches to one category. Having determined that a normal or special glue is necessary, examine the composition for the presence of toxic substances, see what the manufacturer claims quality properties, namely the level of adhesion, frost resistance, pH level (preferably 6-7), color adhesive substance. Pay special attention to the shelf life, as well as to the ratio of dry matter and the required amount of water (the higher the better).


Today, it is possible to purchase a ready-made composition, instead of a dry mixture, which must be diluted. Ready-made formulations not only simplify the application process due to the thin, soft, ideal consistency, but also speed up the entire workflow, as they evaporate faster, which significantly reduces the drying time of the wallpaper. In addition, among such compositions there is a special type of glue for joints, the packaging of which has a pointed tip, which facilitates the application and allows you to achieve perfect invisible joints.

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