No construction or overhaul is complete without the choice of pipes for the water supply system. If the work is done with your own hands, then deciding on this issue in advance will be especially important. There are many factors that significantly affect which type of choice will be made. It is important to take into account the fact that not all pipes are convenient in the process of their installation. We will try to understand their differences, as well as determine the inherent advantages and disadvantages of pipes.

The system that provides water to end consumers is called plumbing. As a rule, they are all divided into two types - internal and external. As for the pipes themselves, they make up a large part of any system. Depending on certain factors, installed pipes come in different diameters and are made of different materials.

Considering the water supply system from the point of view of its purpose, we can distinguish such points as:
- Household - supplies drinking water.
- Technological - transports water for a technical purpose to ensure the functioning of enterprises.
- Watering - used for irrigation of land.
- Fire - contributes to the timely localization of fires.

The choice of the necessary pipes directly depends on where they will be located. A special role is played by their diameter. This significantly affects the level of efficiency of the plumbing system. Diameter is always determined according to consumption. When choosing a pipe for water supply, it should be remembered that all of them must meet the requirements of SNiP.

Let us consider in more detail what materials the pipes are made of:
- Steel - technical characteristics of the pipes at a high level. They are resistant to mechanical damage, but poorly tolerate corrosion.
- Metalloplastik - inherent high resistance to corrosion makes the pipes very durable. They are convenient during installation and combine perfectly with transitions to pipes that are made of another material.
- Polyethylene - is considered a budget option, which tolerates excesses and has a high degree of resistance to rust. The installation of such pipes requires specialized equipment, which makes it not the easiest to use.
- Polypropylene - in terms of quality, meets all the properties of metal plastic.
- Copper - the characteristics of pipes from this material are high. However, during the installation process the pipes are poorly combined with other materials.

Having analyzed all possible pipe designs, we can conclude that the main drawback of some of their types is poor compatibility with systems made of other materials.
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