What is the optimal thickness of the substrate for the laminate

To extend the life of the laminate on a pre-prepared base, false material is laid. The latter, in turn, has various types. Consider what thickness to choose for laying the laminate.


Substrate role

A substrate is like a foundation for a home. The better the primary layer, the longer the laminate will last. In addition to this, the substrate performs other functions:

  • Heat-, noise insulation - absorbs sounds and retains heat in the room;
  • Alignment - smoothes out small irregularities of the base;
  • Depreciation - assumes and evenly distributes part of the load, which is on the lamellas;
  • Waterproofing - does not allow moisture to affect the finish of the floor, which from time to time appears on the base surface. It will also protect neighbors from the “flood” if a pipe breaks in your apartment.

For these reasons, neglecting the laying of the substrate is not recommended. In addition, the cost of such material is quite low - from 40 rubles. per m2.


The right choice of substrate

There are several types of substrate, distinguishable not only by the manufacturer, but also the base material from which it is made:

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  • Coniferous;
  • Polyethylene foam;
  • Fiberglass;
  • Combined
  • Polyester;
  • Specialized.

Depending on the type of laminate, its class, it is recommended to choose a substrate on the recommendation of the manufacturer regarding its type.


As for the thickness of the substrate, you need to choose it based on the following recommendations:

  • The optimum thickness for polyethylene and polystyrene substrates is 3 mm;
  • Cork substrate is better to choose a thickness of 2-4 mm;
  • Coniferous under the laminate - 4-7 mm;
  • For a laminate with a thickness of 7 mm, a substrate of 2 mm is ideal;
  • For 8 mm - 2-3 mm;
  • For a 9-12 mm laminate - a substrate with a thickness of 3 to 5 mm.

If it is necessary to hide small defects of the base, it is better to choose a substrate with a thickness of 3 mm. For a perfectly flat surface, 2 mm will be sufficient. If there are bumps or pits more than 5 mm, then one substrate can not do. Be sure to pre-align the floors.


If you opted for soft substrates, then its optimal thickness is 3 mm. It is highly recommended not to lay the substrate in two layers, as over time the material is crushed, and the thickness of the layer is significantly reduced. In this case, there is a risk of lamella deformation.

If the base in the room has a different level of preparation, then in this case it is allowed use the substrate in different parts of the room of different thicknesses to maximize the output in one level.

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