Today Pavement becoming increasingly popular material that is used in the regeneration of trails, private courtyards, suburban areas, areas near shops and entire streets. The reasons for such demand are many: tile is a highly aesthetic, durable and durable material, which is distinguished by a huge choice of colors and sizes. The demand for these products is great, but the supply is also high, so before buying, it is advisable for everyone to carefully read the main types of paving slabs and choose the best option for themselves. Also, do not forget about the reputation of the manufacturer of paving slabs.

Operating conditions for paving slabs and paving stones
The first thing you need to pay attention to before buying a paving tile is its thickness, which should depend on the conditions under which it will be used.
- So, if you need to lay out a walkway, footpath, pavement, any pedestrian zone only, then you can choose an product with a thickness of 50-60 mm .
- Squares, parking lots, roads with light traffic require the use of tiles with a thickness of 60-80 mm .
- Freight parking, gas stations, tram tracks, helipads, roads with high traffic should be laid out with tiles with a thickness of 100-120 mm .
It is important that the smaller the tile size, the greater its strength.
You should also pay attention to the resistance of the tile to temperature changes. Each product can be estimated by the number of thawing / freezing cycles , in which the product is not deformed and does not lose its strength properties. In the conditions of the domestic climate, it is better to choose tile, for which this parameter is not less than 150, and even better - 200 or more .This parameter must be indicated in the certificate for this product.

Differences between paving slabs and paving stones

Difference between tiles and paving stones
Many mistakenly believe that paving tiles and paving stones are one and the same. Although there are no fundamental differences, there are still several parameters by which these two materials can be distinguished. The paving slabs can have absolutely any form. One of the criteria for distinguishing pavers from tiles is the ratio of the geometric dimensions of length, width, and thickness( see the figure on the right for such ratios).The stone blocks is made most often in the form of the correct geometrical figures - bricks.
Another difference lies in the thickness of the product: paving stones with the same length is always much thicker than tile. That is why places with increased loads, for example, crowded streets and squares, it is better to lay out exactly paving stones.

technology and material for production. Today, paving stone and paving slabs can be made in a variety of ways: some of them are more common, some are less, but they all differ in their strengths and weaknesses.

Natural stone
Many centuries ago, natural stone was used everywhere for construction and cladding works, therefore, the paths of the bridge with this material. Today, many have realized that the same durability, strength and beauty that natural stone possesses does not have any other artificial material, so attention to the material returns.
Natural stone after getting to be processed: it is split into pieces of a certain size, and then polished, to give a smooth flat surface, polished to create a shiny surface. Due to heat treatment, you can slightly change the color of the material, and tumbling involves the impact on the material of water, resulting in rounded corners.

Clinker paving
Clinker paving replaces natural stone in the 19th century: its production is still quite expensive, but the result is worth it. The technology allows you to make a fairly durable material, comparable to natural stone, characterized by high durability, frost resistance, it does not fade in the sun, can withstand enormous loads. So, for example, one element of clinker paving stones is able to withstand about seven full freight cars.
The basis of clinker paving stones includes the special plastic clay , which, together with quartz, feldspar, is burned in furnaces at a temperature of 1000-12000С .As a result, the material turns out to be the color of baked clay, but if you need to give the pavement a different shade, then the corresponding minerals are used to obtain a noble brown, black, white color, etc. The resulting shade does not fade with time in the sun and after tens and hundreds of years remains in its original form. Coarse sand can be added to the roasting mixture to ultimately get a rough surface that will not slip in the winter.
All mineral particles that are used in the production of such paving stones are sintered under the action of high temperature, forming a solid solid material. Such products do not absorb water, are not exposed to aggressive chemicals, and due to the lack of all kinds of voids and inclusions, the compressive strength is much higher than that of other materials, the paving stones hardly wear out or bend. It almost does not respond to moisture and temperature extremes, which compares favorably with concrete products.
The advantage of clinker paving stones is also in the simplicity of its installation: on a regular road base, and in a country house - on compacted sand with rubble or on a cement-sand mixture. Clinker paving stones are everywhere used in European cities for paving sidewalks, pavements, roadways, as well as in our country for arranging sites near shopping centers, houses, etc.

Concrete tile
To date, the production of paving slabs made of concrete is most common. It is obtained in two main ways: vibropressing and vibratory casting .Each has its advantages and disadvantages and is more preferable in specific conditions.
Production method
In this case, the previously prepared mixture of concrete is laid out in a form on a constantly vibrating table, and the special press punch, which presses the mixture until it is fully compacted, pushes into the form, and the pressure is about 30-35atmThe punch is also constantly vibrating, and after pressing is complete, it rises, leaving the finished mold on the table. This is a high-performance method that can be fully automated.
Tiles made in this way are suitable for those places where constant load is carried out and which do not require a particularly elegant approach when arranging, since in this way it is possible to form tiles of more or less simple but precise shapes: square, rectangular, hexagonal, etc..
Vibrocompression tiles, are distinguished by high performance properties of : it is durable, frost-resistant, strong, almost does not wear out, it retains its original color for a long time. Its surface is a bit rough, so it is great for paving streets, stops, warehouses, garden paths, etc. In addition, this tile can be further polished, polished or even apply anti-slip strips.
Vibrating casting involves filling with concrete a mixture of plastic or rubber forms , which are placed on the vibrating table and compacted. Since there is no more impact on future paving slabs in this case, the process takes more time and becomes more expensive. When the mixture was tamped in the tile, it, together with the form, was left to stand in a warm place for about 12-15 hours.
In terms of quality, durability and durability of the , such tiles are almost as good as the pressed version, although sometimes there may be small blemishes in terms of geometry. This material has higher aesthetic properties: it can have any shape, color, and even contain a drawing. Most often the vibrolite tile has a shiny surface, so it looks presentable. But in winter it becomes covered with a thin layer of ice and becomes very slippery. In addition, when exposed to frozen water, such a material can crack, so many manufacturers in the manufacture of using special modifiers and plasticizers, which increase the cost of products.

Polymer sand mixture
Polymer sand tiles are often confused with plastic , and all because polymeric materials are part of both types of tiles, but in different quantities. In this case, polymers in the composition of the tile are only 25% and they are represented by polyethylene, polystyrene or polypropylene. The remaining 75% are dye and sand. They have special requirements for the latter: it must be clean, well sifted, calcined, of medium size.
Polymer sand tiles are prepared in three different ways of : hot pressing the mixture, vibropressing the dry mixture or vibrating using plasticizers. The last two methods make it possible to obtain tiles with very low porosity, and the first - high-quality and durable material.
The advantages of this type of coating include its durability, strength, frost resistance, abrasion resistance, low weight, moisture resistance, since water does not penetrate the tile itself, but is collected in droplets on it. In addition, this tile is resistant to aggressive chemicals, gasoline, has a huge selection of possible colors and textures, as well as ease of installation.
Despite a number of advantages, such material still gives a little artificiality to and in some types of landscape design will be inappropriate. In addition, polymer-sand tile method to expand under the influence of high temperatures, therefore, when laying it is recommended to leave a gap of 3-5 mm.

Plastic tile
Plastic tile is 100% made of polymer , most often used polyvinyl chloride or polypropylene. This tile has very weak decorative properties, has a lattice structure, is often used in arranging the area around swimming pools, terraces, garages, winter gardens, campgrounds, moving from the entrance gate to the house, garden paths, demarcating beds, etc. Grass can grow through cuts in a tile in a country house, forming a rather interesting effect.
The plastic tile at the ends has special grooves, thanks to which it is easy to assemble, and the process of laying itself is not just quick, but instant, when compared with other types of tile. But you need to prepare the perfect base so that immediately after laying the plastic tile is not crushed or deformed.
Despite the apparent fragility, such tiles can withstand huge loads , has a high frost resistance, does not fade, and does not slip. The covering can be very quickly disassembled and moved to another place, thereby making the redevelopment of the garden.

Rubber tile
Rubber paving tiles have recently appeared on the building materials market. It is made from rubber compound, colored filler and special polyurethane binders.
Due to the fact that is based on the rubber crumb , the material is soft and elastic, so it is relatively safe to fall, which is often used in arranging children's and sports grounds. This tile is quickly assembled, behaves well with a sharp change in temperature, does not fade in the sun. It is durable, easy to clean, does not slip when water enters.
This material is often used in the design of garden paths, terraces, verandas, as well as at car services, in underground passages, garages, parking lots, fitness centers, etc.

Shapes and dimensions of paving slabs
Paving slabs can vary considerably in shape and size. So, in length, it varies mainly from 16 to 42 cm, but in terms of various forms there can be a variety of options. Different manufacturers offer a different product range, but more often you can see such types of tiles as snake, coil, brick, antique, scales, lily, rhombus, mosaic, gzhelika, rondo cross and rings, etc.
If there is a task to make the process of tile laying the most simple, effective and fast, then it is better to choose the one that has the same size, and this is a vibropressed concrete tile. Vibro tile may have some differences between the individual parts, so the installation process is difficult. But such material is more aesthetic, and the final result will be worth the effort. If there are a lot of various bends and depressions on the tiles, then before you start laying them on a given place, you need to practice and put a small piece somewhere nearby.

Marking and classification of paving slabs.
The shape and size of the tile appear in its marking, from which it is possible to judge what kind of tile is in the package.
The classification of paving slabs is as follows:
- K is a square tile;
- P - rectangular tiles;
- W - hexagonal tile;
- D - edging tile, which is designed for hexagonal plates;
- F - figured tiles;
- EDD - road decoration elements.
So, if the tile is designated 4K-7, it means that it is a square tile of the fourth standard size with a thickness of 7 cm.
Concrete tile is also classified according to the type used for the production of concrete:
- В 22.5;
- B 25;
- B 35 etc.

Practical tips for choosing the most popular cement-based paving slabsall components in its composition by the sound with which the individual elements strike each other: a ringing sound means that everything is normal, and the deaf speaks of an excess of water, plasticizers, a violation of thnologii etc.;

What documents the seller should have
Another important point when choosing paving slabs - check all the necessary documents from the seller.
- So, when purchasing on demand, a certificate of conformity must be provided, which confirms that this product is manufactured according to accepted standards.
- The presence of a conclusion on the testing of specific products, where strength, frost resistance, water absorption, concrete class, etc., is indicated, is highly recommended.
The responsible, conscientious seller will always be able to show the necessary documents, and ignoring the request for the necessary certificates should arouse suspicion.