10 Tips for Flexible Stone Walls


  1. 1.Podrobnee of material
  2. 2.Tehnologiya production
  3. 3.Proizvodstvo home
  4. 4. Use interior
  5. 5.Vidy material
  6. 6.Podgotovka surface
  7. 7.Montazh flexible stone
  8. 8.Interesny method
  9. 9 styling
  10. 10. Advantages and disadvantages

Flexible stone, stone wallpaper, flexible sandstone - this name tells you about something? If not, this is not surprising, because this is absolutely new material, , which recently appeared on the construction market. Its scope is quite wide, the mounting the is incredibly simple, the and the end result is simply amazing. Finishing with the flexible stone walls is increasingly being used by modern designers. This makes it possible not only to achieve a unique design of the premises, but also to use environmentally friendly material for facing their homes.

1.Read more about the material

The flexible stone appeared not so long ago, but already gained considerable popularity. This is a very lightweight

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practical material, which has a thickness of not more than 6 mm and consists of of three thin layers. The first is a non-woven fabric or a flexible fabric base, the is the second is an adhesive, in this case an epoxy solution, the is the third is a fine crumb of natural marble, quartz or granite. Flexible sandstone is suitable for both interior and exterior cladding of buildings. It is very practical, is durable and is able to retain its properties and visual appeal unchanged for more than 25 years. Its surface has a slight roughness, and a variety of colors will allow you to choose a sample for every taste. Patterns that are on the surface, repeat the look of natural marble, sandstone, granite and other types of natural stones.

2. Production technology

This interesting material was invented in Germany, and the production process implies two possible production sites - directly in quarries or in special workshops. These processes differ by the method of applying the last, third layer, that is, the drawing.

The first option is quite painstaking and specific. For production in a quarry, you must first find a suitable source with interesting rocks, then prepare an even cut of sandstone with a beautiful natural pattern, and polish it in order to achieve an almost perfectly smooth surface. After that, a special deep penetration adhesive is applied to the prepared site. For these purposes, binder components based on epoxy resin are used. A thin layer of textile base is applied to the impregnated surface, the material is carefully smoothed to avoid wrinkles and left to dry completely. Very . It is important that allow the material to dry completely so that when removing all the grains remain on the base, and not stuck in separate places. It is very difficult to remove the sheets, because they have a very small thickness. For this purpose, special equipment is used, which, as it were, cuts off the top layer of the stone surface along with the base. Thus, a flexible sheet is obtained, which completely copies the color and is environmentally friendly. The advantage of of this type of production is the completely natural origin of the material. But there are a number of significant deficiencies:

  • The search for a suitable career, which actually may not occur as quickly as we would like;
  • Small variety of colors and textures;
  • The is time consuming and expensive to prepare a suitable surface;

In case of production in specialized workshops, everything happens much faster. The figure is formed artificially by mixing several varieties of components. The advantages of in this method are many, and there are still no shortcomings at all:

  • There is no need to look for careers;
  • The color gamut and texture of the is very diverse and, practically, is not limited;
  • The appearance of the surface has a 100% similarity with natural rocks;
  • Only natural components are used for production.

3. Production at home We tried to figure it out and came to the conclusion that, in principle, yes. For this you will need to prepare a workplace, which should have a flat, smooth and sufficiently large working surface. A writing desk will do. It also requires a place to dry the finished sheets. Ideal for this fit flat wooden pallets, placed in a well-ventilated place, for example, on the balcony.

For the manufacture of the stone itself, is necessary: ​​a base material, such as fiberglass, natural sandstone in the form of fine chips or quartz sand, acrylic glue, a drill for mixing and capacity. Spread the required piece of fiberglass on the table, put stone chips on top, imitating a natural cut of the stone, and pre-level it. Knead the glue and soak it with the entire surface of the sheet with the crumb and then finally level it with a spatula. The layer should turn out thin and uniform, for this purpose slightly press the spatula. Then put the resulting sheet on a pallet, straighten and leave to dry completely. By its decorative properties, a self-made flexible stone will be inferior to factory production, however, its technical characteristics will be similar. In order for to diversify its appearance, can be used iron oxides for dyeing stone powder. This dye is the most durable, moreover, completely natural. fiberglass is recommended to use due to its high strength and good adhesion with adhesive components. You will hardly be able to make a large batch, but it is quite possible to make a few square meters for finishing a wall or a fireplace zone at home.

4. Use in the interior of the

. Due to its lightness, the flexible stone uses in interior design in the most versions.

  • For wall decoration, in the living room or hallway, and in the children's room and in rooms with high humidity. Particularly attractive are the walls of a large hall in a private house, lined with this material. Due to the fact that it is very easy to clean and easy to clean, it can be used in the kids room and is not afraid that children will paint the walls and irrevocably ruin the surface. During operation in wet areas, was observed that moisture does not collect on the surface in the form of condensate, which means that the material is breathable. This is one of the most practical applications.
  • For finishing the fireplace area. Many people like to install electric fireplaces in the living rooms of their apartments. These devices are often embedded, which implies the arrangement of special niches for them. Naturally, in order to quickly and easily cope with this task, many use drywall, which is further decorated with various materials. The most common is considered to be artificial stone or gypsum bricks. But not always the construction of drywall is able to withstand the weight of facing materials, in this case it is important to use a flexible stone. The surface of its is not afraid of of high temperatures and is suitable for facing even real fireplaces and stoves.
  • Cladding surface decorative columns. This element of architecture is still not out of fashion and is actively used for the design of modern interiors. Of course, not everybody can afford to use natural stone as a material, and this construction will have considerable weight. Therefore, plasterboard frames are often made of round or rectangular shapes, which are decorated according to their preferences. There are a lot of options for finishing rectangular columns of columns, but with the round form is more complicated. This is either painting or decorative plaster, which is not everyone’s liking. Finishing a flexible stone will allow you to easily cope with this task, not leaving even a hint of joints. And monolithic surface with natural color will not cause to doubt its naturalness.
  • frescoes based on a flexible stone will help create a unique indoor environment. This is especially true for rooms, options to diversify the decoration of which is not so much. For example, in the bathroom, where there is always high humidity and it is necessary with particular practicality to choose the facing materials, it is now possible to decorate the walls with various patterns. It can be luxury gardens and the sea coast. The drawing is applied to the substrate using UV print and is completely safe for health. Even after several years, such a fresco does not lose the brightness of colors and the clarity of the picture.
  • The unique material was also used in the main room of each apartment - in the kitchen. A working area, which is often protected from the effects of steam, moisture, and splashes of fat with tiles or skims from tempered glass, may well be faced with a flexible stone. You have the opportunity to get a natural seamless pattern and save a little money if you compare it with an apron made of glass. By the way, you can give preference not only to monochromatic surfaces, but also to the same UV printing. This coating will be practical, simple in care, durable and original.
  • An interesting feature of this material is its transparency. You can make unique decorative lighting fixtures with your own hands. If you glue the surface of the lamp with a flexible stone, it will not only look very impressive, but will also emit a soft, pleasant light. Luminous spheres, flat light panels or wall lamps, the surface of which is pasted over with this material, look very beautiful and unusual. Such elements will help to create a special atmosphere in the room.

5. Types of

material In , 's dependencies on chip thickness are three possible types of supply:

  • Roll - is the most common option. The thickness of the decorative layer varies from 1 to 3 mm. It has two standard dimensions: - 1020 × 2200 mm or 1200 × 2600 mm. It is the material most convenient to veneer the walls or the surface of the columns.
  • tile - has sandstone thickness of 2.5-3 mm. In this case, your choice is already three size - 80 × 265 mm, 160 × 265 mm, 340 × 550 mm. Due to the variety of dimensions, suitable for walls and chimney zones, as well as for decorative steps or arched vaults.
  • Plate, has the largest thickness chips - up to 6 mm and only one standard size - 1000 × 2500 mm. This type is most often used for cladding facades of buildings.

Next, consider in more detail the first option and all the steps associated with its installation.

6. Surface Preparation

Since this finishing material is very thin and is flexible , it is capable of repeating all bends and unevenness with accuracy. If there are defects on the surface of the walls, they will definitely be noticeable, so the preparation of the surface should be given special attention so that the end result pleases you. The wall needs to clean out well and remove the remnants of old wallpaper, glue, paint and other excess materials. All chips, pits, deep risks and very noticeable irregularities are recommended to be puttied. Before applying the putty, treat the surface of the with a special deep penetration to improve adhesion and wait until it is completely dry. After plastering, clean the surface with special nets and remove excess putty. After this, re-treat the wall with primer to remove dust, otherwise sheets of flexible stone will lag behind with glue. Now you need to perform markup. For these purposes, the easiest and fastest is to use a homemade plumb. Draw a single vertical line that will become a reference for the front page. The remaining sheets will be glued end to end with the first. When the preparation is finished, will start to the installation itself.

7. Installation of a flexible stone

This process is very like wallpapering. If at least once you had to do this, then you will not have any difficulties. The only thing really needs to pay attention to is that the glue needs to be applied only to the wall. The reverse side of the flexible stone must remain dry. You will need: an even and notched trowel, a stationery knife, a rubber roller and a building dryer. The latter can be rented in almost any hardware store.

Apply glue to the wall with a uniform layer of medium thickness using a level trowel. Use a notched trowel to distribute it completely, observing one direction. So recommend to make manufacturers stone wallpaper for a better connection to the surface. Manipulations are similar to the process of laying tile. After applying the adhesive, lay the roll face down on a clean floor. Carefully inspect the rear surface. There should be no debris or sand grains on it. Use a dry cloth or a soft broom to clean the surface if necessary. Now you can attach the sheet to the wall. It is recommended to start from the corner, pressing down the top of the sheet first and move it down smoothly. Be sure to align the edge of the sheet with the mark on the wall. After that, gently smooth the glued piece with a rubber roller. If the glue starts to show through on the sides, it should be immediately removed with a damp cloth. Glue the next strip to the previous one, so you can make seamless pasting and reduce material consumption.

If you prefer overlapping with overlapping, then to smooth the joints, you will need a building dryer. The edges must be heated until the mass becomes pasty and plastic and smooth them with a spatula. This option is applicable during the trim corners or surfaces with non-standard geometry.

After the glue has completely dried, it is necessary to prime the finished surface. To do this, use a wide brush and make a bottom-up motion. Soil will create a thin protective layer that will protect from moisture and simplify care. It is recommended to be applied in two runs after the first layer is completely dry. If during the butt-mounting process you still have gaps between the canvases, do not despair. Scraps of material will help to quickly and completely correct this nuance. Just rub the joints with the face of the scraps like sandpaper. The top layer will begin to flake off and fill the voids. After completing the job, simply brush off the excess particles with a dry cloth or brush.

8. An interesting way of laying

There is one very interesting way laying called "wild stone". It is suitable for cladding both inside and outside the premises. This method is unusual in that the finished wall, finished in such a way, very much resembles a wall of natural raw stone of rough laying. Because of this, the creates a feeling of durability and reliability. The installation process is completely uncomplicated. Surface preparation is similar to preparation for mounting rolls. We will mimic the irregular shapes of natural boulders. To do this, lay the sheet face down on the floor. On the back side with a pencil apply the markup. Fragments of medium size and irregular shape - this is what you need for a small room. You have probably seen high fences from natural granite around private houses. This is what the markup should look like. Using regular scissors or a stationery knife, carefully cut the pieces, keeping them in order. We will also be laying them from the top corner, but between them deliberately it is necessary to leave gaps several millimeters wide.

Press each piece with a rubber roller and let the entire composition dry well. The seams must be rubbed with a special compound, which often comes bundled with the material itself. After drying, apply two coats of water repellent primer. Your impregnable wall is ready! In this way, only fragments of an surface can be trimmed, for example, around an fireplace or around an arch.

9. What to choose as an adhesive

? The choice of glue for mounting a flexible stone should not be taken carelessly. After all, this component is the key to long-term service .There is no need to invent anything supernatural. Sometimes it is enough to carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the package or use the adhesive mixture, which is often included. Usually the glue is dissolved in the specified amount of water and continuously stirred, avoiding to form clumps, is allowed to stand for 10 minutes, then stirred again. If not, choose a glue with enhanced adhesive properties. Perfect composition for the installation of tile or all-purpose acrylic adhesive, for example, "crazy sticky." It differs from the wallpaper in that it dries much slower. This will give you the opportunity to process several square meters of the wall at once, thereby speeding up the pasting process. To protect the skin of the hands, all work must be done in rubber gloves.

10. Advantages and disadvantages of

Let's finally take a closer look at the positive and negative aspects of the of this unique facing material.

  • Absolutely is a safe product from an environmental point of view, for the production of which only natural ingredients are used, which do not release any harmful substances during subsequent operation. This makes it possible to use it in any premises.
  • The simplicity of in care and installation, which does not require the performer to possess special skills.
  • Functionality and versatility. Due to the small thickness and ductility under the influence of hot air, they can veneer both rounded and curved surfaces. Be sure to heat the material before bending. If this is not done, after some time, in places of sharp bends, it will begin to crack and crumble.
  • A variety of forms of delivery, thus avoiding unnecessary cutting and choosing the most convenient size.
  • Lack of reaction to constant exposure to moisture and regular contact with water. This gives you the opportunity to take a fresh look at the decoration of such problem areas as bathrooms, swimming pools or saunas, which are not particularly distinguished by the variety of interior decoration.
  • The ability to easily perform seamless installation, , thereby achieving the effect of a monolithic surface.
  • If necessary, you easily can cut flexible stone with simple scissors or any other cutting object.
  • The material is fully fireproof. It is non-flammable and does not support combustion. That is why, it is increasingly used for finishing stoves and fireplaces.
  • Increased frost resistance and resistance to sudden temperature changes. The range of is very large - from -45 ° C to + 650 ° C.This makes it possible to successfully use it for cladding facades of buildings, even in the northern regions.
  • Low weight. On average, one meter square weighs 3-4 kg. When the edge is the question of the weight of the cladding material, it practically has no equal.
  • Unique pattern, as well as a wide selection of colors and textures. You are unlikely to find two identical rolls, which makes the interior extremely unique. And the fact that the drawing completely imitates the surface of natural rocks, will help to create very realistic compositions.
  • The translucency of flexible sandstone cannot be ignored. Decorated in such a way, floor or wall lamps, will help to create a cozy, quiet atmosphere. Or make unusual lampshades for small table lamps or candlesticks.
  • Long life. With proper installation, which is not only a good choice of adhesive mixture, but also in the final coating of the surface with primer, this coating will easily serve you for more than 25 years. Protective film will protect it from direct sunlight and peeling of stone chips.
  • Breathability, , which is able to maintain natural ventilation and prevent condensation, will provide normal indoor conditions.

If you think well and analyze the reviews of real people who have been exploiting this material for some time, you can certainly add a couple more points. We have listed the most obvious advantages. We now turn to disadvantages:

  • One of the few, but the most significant minus - high cost. If we are talking about high-quality coating from a proven manufacturer that has all the certificates and has its own production, the price for 1 m2 starts from 1300 rubles. Probably, therefore, many are interested in the technology of independent production. It is too much or quite acceptable, considering all the advantages, only you can judge. Yes, this price is close to the cost of natural stone, but after all, its installation is much more complicated and requires additional costs.
  • The high requirement for the surface to be coated with is , which should be perfectly flat. This significantly increases installation time and incurs additional costs.
  • The presence of a large number of fakes. It is no secret that a copy is always cheaper than the original. But many do not recommend resorting to such a purchase. In this case, as a binding element, not epoxy resin is used, but acrylic glue, which makes material more coarse and poorly bending. Because of this, during installation, the sheets do not adhere well to the surface; over time, many cracks form, even if the technological process is observed. In places of rounding, the stone crumb is peeling off, even despite the ground coverage. Therefore, you can strongly disappoint and regret the money spent.

and remember, any kind of finishing material requires proper care. In the case of a flexible stone, it is enough to periodically wipe it with a damp cloth. Because of the rough surface, dust accumulates over time, which can be cleaned with a regular vacuum cleaner.

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