- 1 Vinyl wallpapers
- 2 Why are vinyl wallpapers dangerous?
- 3 Wallpaper light and black tones
- 4 Paper wallpaper
Everyone dreams of a beautiful and comfortable apartment, therefore, making repairs, trying to choose the best wallpaper for your home. But sometimes it happens that the purchase is unsuccessful, let's analyze the three most impractical types of wallpaper.
Vinyl wallpapers
Despite the attractiveness of this type of wallpaper, they are not entirely environmentally friendly. Many manufacturers do not bother to take care of the quality of products sold. Before purchasing vinyl wallpapers, the buyer should pay attention not only to their appearance, but also to the composition of the components from which they are made. As a rule, this type of wallpaper consists of two layers connected to each other, precisely due to gluing, providing a complex chemical compound, many people begin to think about the safety of wallpaper.

Why are vinyl wallpapers dangerous?
First of all, this type of wallpaper should not be glued in the apartment where a person lives, prone to allergic reactions, as well as respiratory diseases. When buying, pay attention to the price and the manufacturer, if the price is underestimated, then it is likely that low-quality glue was used in the manufacture.
Wallpaper light and black tones
One of the main mistakes in the repair, may be the purchase of black or white wallpaper. Despite the symmetry of the colors, you may encounter impracticality. Everyone knows that the white color is the most easily soiled and any even a small spot on it will be striking. To the surprise of many consumers, black color has the same qualities. Most often, people who have glued a room in these tones soon regret it, and they have to redo their work again.

Paper wallpaper
Despite the positive aspects regarding the low cost or the huge variety of assortment, this type of wallpaper is impractical. One of the main disadvantages of paper wallpaper is considered to be fading in the sun. Often in places where sunlight disappears through the window, the wallpaper becomes much brighter and paler than where the street light does not penetrate. Many owners of housing, subsequently remain unhappy with the purchase of such wallpaper. Also, paper wallpapers absorb moisture well, leaving streaks on the surface to avoid this, it is best to glue them in closed rooms, protected from light or moisture, for example in the hallway or corridor.

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