Lawn care according to season


  • 1 Lawn mowing
  • 2 Spring lawn care
  • 3 Summer care
  • 4 Autumn care
  • 5 Winter care

As one American joke says, there is nothing difficult to grow a lawn, sowed, and then water, trim, fertilize for 300 years. In fact, the lawn is different, and it should be different for each region, and there are many subtleties in the care of the lawn.


Let's start with the preparation of the lawn area, which must be sown. Firstly, it is very important to prepare the right soil for sowing the lawn, you must immediately fertilize it, about read fertilizers below, the soil must be cleaned of weeds, trample, very tight, then walk rake. It is very important to have a rake with a close arrangement of teeth, to pay special attention when passing through the soil with a rake so that they do not leave deep holes.


When sowing grass does not need to be buried, it should be practically on the surface. Rake the grass through the grate, horizontally, then vertically, and also sow it. It is very important to follow all these procedures when sowing the soil, as this is the key to a beautiful and evenly growing grass.

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Secondly, it is important to cover the grass with covering material after sowing. Then she needs watering, daily, do not water the grass from a hose, preferably with a watering can, so that the seeds do not fly apart, but are exactly the way they are planted.


Fertilizing the lawn is necessary just like any plant in your home, or on the site. A good fertilizer for the lawn will be that which contains substances such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. For example, the application of phosphate fertilizers in the spring allows the grass to turn green earlier.

Any fertilizer that can be found in the store is suitable for grass. It is only necessary that they contain the following substances and elements, and it is also important to regularly fertilize the grass.


Lawn mowing

In spring, as soon as the grass begins to grow, the first haircut should be carried out when it reaches growth in 10 - 12 cm, then haircuts should be carried out every week, while leaving the grass about 7 cm from land.


Spring lawn care

In the spring, it is very important to properly prepare the grass for the summer season, so that it delights all summer. First of all, it is important to fertilize, fertilizer with a leading nitrogen content must be distributed throughout plot, this can be done when a small amount of snow remains, so when it melts, the fertilizer is absorbed directly into the ground. It is also very important to remove the remnants of grass that have remained since last year, it is necessary to comb the grass well with a rake with a close arrangement of cloves.

It is also important to produce the so-called aeration of the grass. Piercing with a pitchfork or a special device with an aerator.


Summer care

As a rule, in the summer there are no special rules, it is enough to regularly mow the lawn, if necessary, water it, remove excess grass after mowing and remove weeds, top dressing is not necessary in the summer.


Autumn care

The grass mows regularly until the first frost. In the autumn, as a rule, it begins to grow more slowly and is already preparing itself for wintering; if the soil requires it, it is worth fertilizing the grass, but there is no need to overdo it. It is important to know that when frost sets in, you can’t walk on the lawn, wait until the first snow falls.


Winter care

In winter, you should pay attention to areas where there is no snow, or it is not enough, then you should "cover" the grass with snow, also closer to spring when snow melts, watch for areas where water can stagnate when it melts, this can lead to freezing of areas the lawn.


So all the necessary rules were presented when planting and caring for the lawn, do not forget that it’s not an ordinary weed, it will not grow by itself, and will not get better without proper care.

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