Crafts for dacha own hands

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A dacha for many is not just a resting place, but an attempt at self-expression of the creative potential of their personality. Wishing to decorate their plots or make them as convenient as possible, many of their owners begin to make handmade articles for their own dachas.

The use of a variety of crafts for giving

It is impossible to imagine a private house without products made by one's own hands. They serve as a visiting card of any owner, his desire to improve the site, making it more adapted to comfort on vacation.

Crafts for cottages have a number of advantages. For example:

  1. It's a great time with your family. Involving children, you can instill in them industriousness in such a simple and interesting form for them, and also to draw at restless toddlers fantasy that will help to diversify and creative process, and something new to bring in products.
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  2. In addition, you can use those improvised tools that do not hit your pocket. Material for crafts:
    • tree;
    • laser discs;
    • car tires;
    • Styrofoam;
    • concrete;
    • plastic bottles;
    • stone and pl. other
  3. Crafts made by themselves will give confidence in their abilities and a special joy from the rest, and the dacha will look much more attractive.

Well, the most important thing is that you can make your own home-made furniture quickly and without much effort. Even the tool will need one that is in every house. It is very easy to choose a handicraft suitable for the original design of the garden plot for giving, photos of products located on this site will help in this.

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The art of crafts for a dacha from bottles

The simplest and most common material is bottles. In each house they accumulate in sufficient quantities throughout the winter. It's time to take them all to the dacha in spring, and instead of garbage, the bottles will easily turn into a masterpiece that will please the eye. Products made of this material serve two purposes. Of these, you can make practical crafts, for example, a fence in the garden, an openwork curtain on the door or a bird feeder. Also crafts have also decorative properties, for example, artificial flowers and animals, original flowerpots.

Crafts for dachas from bottles are quite practical:

  • Due to the advantageous characteristics of the thin plastic, from which the bottles are made.
  • In addition, you can use different parts of the bottle, from the lid, to the bottom.
  • And one more advantage of bottles is that they are easy to cut and can be combined in different ways, and materials: wire, thread, fishing line, rubber band and even glue.
  • Amazed and the color scale of such handicrafts, because they can be painted.

Therefore, products made from bottles are very diverse, beautiful and useful. They are easy and fun to do, you can even even begin to design and come up with something new.

Interesting wooden crafts

There is a tree in each plot of land. This is what prompts us to use one more common material. Crafts made of wood for giving useful and giving positive emotions. In the course are old stumps, branches, which are regularly cut from trees as autumn or spring pruning, remnants of repairs and unnecessary boxes.

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Large and small wooden structures can be very necessary at the cottage. What is a dacha without a cozy shop, without a gazebo, an arch or a fence? All these products are designed for a cozy holiday with the whole family. But also original lamps, bird houses and flowerpots, too, can give warmth and an excellent view of the holiday.


What crafts can you do with your own hands from tires?

To make crafts for a dacha with their own hands from tires does not need a special skill, because the shape and elastic flexible material all the time suggest many ideas.

What can be done from tires? These are just a few suggestions:

  • fences;
  • tracks;
  • fencing for beds;
  • furniture (tables and chairs);
  • swing;
  • high beds;
  • mats;
  • flowerpots;
  • flower beds;
  • beautiful figurines of animals and much more.

From this incomplete list it is clear that this durable material, which is not afraid of any weather conditions, makes it possible to design perfect country crafts. Their goal will be as varied as possible. Taking into account all the possibilities of tires, it is easy and interesting to engage in landscape design of the infield.

Original ideas for crafts

There are other improvised means, from which excellent products are obtained. Given their shape and material, you can come up with a lot of different crafts. Bright, creative designs are able to transform the boring appearance of the garden plot, turning it into the ideal world for resting and playing kids. For example, the original sculptures and beautiful pots successfully decorate the garden and the courtyard.

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Many crafts are created for the convenience of the summer resident. So, if the old tire, cut into small pieces, and strengthen these parts on the wall, you will get suitable shelves for small parts and tools. A cropped plastic bottle, connected to each other, turns into a water trough.

Children will also benefit from crafts, because these are sandboxes, and specially designed for them game houses.

Decorate your allotment, and make it much more convenient to help crafts for giving and garden. What functions do these products perform:

  • Make the site much more comfortable, and gives perspective. So a modest wooden canopy or birdhouse, an unusual lamp or a small pond turns the cottage into a cozy resting place.
  • Help differentiate different areas of the villa. For example, the recreation area is separated from the working area by a conveniently located garden bench.
  • Decorate the courtyard and garden giving. Even a simple path, made by own hands, and decorated with a curious hand-made article, helps to see in imagine the makings of a designer, enjoy the opportunity to realize their ideas, and pleasantly surprise guests and neighbors.

Some photos of handicrafts for a dacha made by one's own hands can convince us of the practicality of this venture, and kindle a desire to try something for yourself.

Pictures of cottage dwellings:

Related article: Self-made crafts made of plastic bottles!

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