How to make a starry sky in a children's room


  • 1 Budget options
    • 1.1 Stickers
    • 1.2 Wallpaper
    • 1.3 Oracal ceiling
  • 2 More expensive options

The star ceiling in the nursery is a great idea that inspires even adults. Who does not dream of falling asleep, looking into space, as if under the open sky? For the baby - it will be a real fairy tale that will not get bored for many years.


Budget options

For those who do not want to spend a long time arranging the ceiling and saving money, these methods are suitable.


A lot of stars glowing in the dark are on sale. They easily adhere to any surface. During the day they accumulate sunlight or artificial light, and in the dark they give it away. For the stars to shine for several hours, they need only a recharge of 30 minutes. Elements are attached to the surface on a double-sided tape.



There are many wallpapers on the market with luminous patterns that are fluorescent, silver and phosphor. The first are made of a polyester base, on which volumetric drawings are layered, in the dark, planets and stars look very realistic. Phosphor wallpaper is a regular canvas with acrylic drawings with the addition of a luminous substance.

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Oracal ceiling

Creating such a ceiling is the most budgetary and simple task. The main thing is that the surface is perfectly smooth and plastered. After that, the Oracal self-adhesive film is taken, on which any desired pattern is applied. The finished film is glued to the ceiling, and stars and other drawings are applied to it with a brush and luminous paints.


More expensive options

You can draw a starry sky on a stretch ceiling. For this, first, PVC film is mounted by specialized companies. The finished canvas is painted with constellations, planets and other elements of space using luminescent paints. In the afternoon, drawings will not be visible. But at night they appear in all their glory.


A more complicated but interesting way is to use fiber. To implement this idea, you will need a stretch ceiling, a light generator and fiber optic threads. A light generator is a device that emits halogen or LED rays. It can be complicated by various filters that change the light from white to blue, red and others. The light generator box is mounted under the ceiling sheet or hidden in a cabinet. Fiber optic threads having different sizes and directivity are connected to it.


Instead of optical fiber, you can use LEDs that are mounted in a plasterboard ceiling. For implementation, you need a controller, light sources, wires. The method is not suitable for creating a placer of small stars, more often it is used for the moon or large shining objects. Of all the options presented, the most expensive is the installation of LEDs.

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