Chicken coop arrangement inside with your own hands: photos and small tricks

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Build a chicken house today is not difficult - in abundance and building materials, and drawings of various designs. Showing how to arrange the arrangement of the henhouse inside with your own hands, the photos will help make a home for poultry convenient, rationally planned and safe.

The goals and objectives of the internal arrangement of the coop

The planned allocation for a chicken coop or newly constructed premises is carried out proceeding:

  • from the number and age of birds on which housing is calculated;
  • from the season when the house is supposed to be used;
  • from the need for regular cleaning and disinfection of the chicken coop.
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For poultry must arrange places for sleep, feeding and quenching thirst. If there are laying hens or hens in the house, they are provided with convenient safe nests.

To maintain the veterinary and hygienic and stable functional condition of the building, the poultry farm must take care:

  • on ventilation in the henhouse;
  • about insulation, waterproofing and heating of the structure, especially if the building will also serve in winter;
  • about the lighting of the chicken coop;
  • about the correct selection of materials that are not only available and cheap, but can easily be cleaned and dry cleaned.

The first thing that they take care of before installing a chicken coop and equipping it with potholes, feeders and waterers is a suitable microclimate for birds.

How to create a comfortable microclimate in the henhouse?

The bird's well-being, its growth and productivity depend on the temperature inside the room, the lighting, the humidity of the air and its freshness. Even with the summer maintenance of chickens it is important that the chicken coop is protected from moisture and drafts. Therefore, after assembling the frame and wall sheathing, hydro- and heat insulation of the floor, walls and roof must be carried out.

Using improvised materials and small tricks, the internal arrangement of the coop is much cheaper, which will positively affect the cost of meat and egg products. For work inexpensive and easy-to-install sheet foam plastic, mineral wool, film-lined films and other materials are suitable:

  1. If the site plans to keep chickens only in the warm season, this design will help Prevent drafts that are dangerous for laying hens, poultry and young animals, and also protect the bird from overheating in hot days.
  2. When it is necessary to equip the winter hen house with their own hands, in a climate of the central strip one thermal insulation is small, and it is necessary to think about the heating system.

Whatever the frost behind the walls, the temperature inside the henhouse should remain positive. Optimum, if it does not fall below 7-10 ° C.

To obtain such an effect in poultry houses, a heating system of an autonomous type is made or connected to a home heating system.

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Recently, poultry farmers are increasingly turning their attention to infrared lamps or panels used for heating the coop. They are economical and efficient, easy to install, they do not irritate the lighting of the hens and heat not the air around, but the area under the source of infrared radiation. However, when equipping a hen house with such devices, it must be remembered that from a bird to them there should be not less than 50 cm, and it is better to cover bulb bulbs with lattice protective covers.

Lighting and ventilation in the henhouse

If infrared lamps are supposed to be used not only for heating, but also for lighting, even their dim light can interfere with the bird at night. Therefore, after the end of the 15-hour light day, the chickens are provided with darkness for a full rest.

Save on electricity, going to artificial lighting, you can by making windows in the hen house. When keeping chickens in the summer cottage, the hen house system will not change much, but if it is a question of an all-season construction, it will be necessary to take care of strong, non-skid frames.

When the arrangement of the hen house inside is carried out, as in the photo, one must make ventilation by their own hands. It will help to get rid of an unpleasant smell, and also will help to normalize humidity and temperature, which increase in the process of vital activity of poultry:

  1. For small, multi-bird rooms can be limited to the simplest supply system.
  2. Ventilation in large chicken coops should be mandatory and capture all areas of the living space.

Arrangement of the walls and floor of the coop

In addition to the insulation of the room, it is useful for the poultryman, who plans to keep chickens in the summer, to cover the walls with a layer of lime mortar. This will provide protection against common infections, parasites and facilitate the disinfection of the coop.

For the same purpose, in the construction of a house for poultry, a door or hatch for cleaning the floor of the coop from old bedding, litter and other debris is provided. When keeping chickens on deep bedding, a layer of lime is pre-poured onto the floor, the litter itself is not thinner than 10 cm made of clean dry sawdust or straw. For the period of cold weather, the layer is increased and, as the contamination increases, is regularly changed.

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How to build nests and roosts in the henhouse?

An integral part of the properly equipped chicken coop is the nests for brood hens and layers. They can be made from plywood, thin boards or other suitable materials, but if possible, experienced poultry farmers use what is at hand. Birds perfectly master the wicker baskets, plastic containers of suitable volume and buckets. The bottom in such nests is lined with all that litter.

The number of nests is calculated one by one for five birds. Place them in such a way that laying hens are not distracted. Most nests are installed in one or two levels at a distance from the entrance to the coop.

When the arrangement of the henhouse is carried out with their own hands, inside, as in the photo, they mount comfortable for the hens roosts. It can be poles or bars measuring about 50 mm in diameter. If the master takes bars of square or rectangular cross-section, the corners are rounded off, and the entire surface is treated with sandpaper.

The first row of roosts is made at a height of 50 cm, the second and subsequent - at a distance of about 35 cm from the previous one. It is important not to let the bird sit on top of each other, so that the lower chickens are not polluted by the sweat of those that settled on the upper tiers. The minimum distance from the wall to the wall should be 25 cm.

Features of the arrangement of a pen for chickens

For the paddock of a bird next to the chicken coop it is necessary to arrange an equipped area. If it is planned to grow chickens at summer cottages in the summer, the arrangement of the coop is planned so that the enclosure:

  • did not go out on the hottest, southern side, but at the same time was not constantly shaded;
  • It was dry, clean and it did not grow dangerous birds for birds;
  • was protected from uninvited guests.

An example of a convenient design for homestead farming is the Dodonov chicken coop, where the poultry house adjoins a small but thoughtful paddock.

A strong, durable paddock is made of a metal mesh, a fine-mesh material is taken for the chicken coop, which is stretched and fastened to posts stuck in the corners of the site. To avoid falling inside of domestic animals or attempts of the most desperate layers to leave the coop, the height of the barrier must be at least -2 meters.

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The size of the mesh cells for the chicken coop should be such that a curious bird can not get stuck in it. Here it is important to take into account the difference in the size of adult chickens and cocks and going out for a walk with a chicken broiler.

On the territory of the poultry for chickens there is a place for dust-ash baths. This obligatory and very beloved procedure helps the chickens to get rid of annoying parasites: ticks, fleas, puffers and lice.

Part of the arrangement of the henhouse inside - made by hand, as in the photo, drinking bowls and feeders. Such containers are installed on the walking area, where in summer chickens spend most of the day.

Small tricks of the internal arrangement of the henhouse

Experienced poultry breeders always have their little tricks for arranging comfortable practical chicken coops:

  1. It is important to monitor the level and duration of a day's light in the henhouse. If pizzas suffer from excess light, they become aggressive and begin to peck less powerful relatives, spoil the eggs in the nests.
  2. It is not necessary to install the nests at the floor level, otherwise the most cunning chickens will certainly choose them for sleep.
  3. To increase the egg laying, it is enough to put the nests in the most shadowed corner of the coop.
  4. Nases have a ledge on the opposite wall from the nests.
  5. In order for birds to climb more easily to the upper tiers of the roosts and nests, slopes and stairs are arranged for them.
  6. Drinkers and feeding troughs are mounted slightly above the floor level so that they are convenient to use, but the birds do not get into the feed or into the water.
  7. It is most convenient to put feeding troughs and drinkers closer to the wall between nests and perches so that they are in direct line of sight at the maximum number of inhabitants of the coop.

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