What mistakes do you most often make by posting yourself

Despite the fact that professional electricians strongly recommend not to do it yourself electrical wiring in an apartment or house, many owners ignore this recommendation, trying to save facilities. Unfortunately, in the end, everything happens exactly the opposite.

So, the first mistake when installing wiring is the lack of a cabling scheme. Having such a scheme at hand, you can always specify the place in which the socket, switch and so on will be installed. In addition, it is possible to determine the amount of wire required.


Not a professional can make another mistake, which then will be very difficult to fix. It lies in the fact that when calculating the conductor is not added to the total wire length of the order of 15-20% in reserve. For example, when laying the wire to the chandelier, only 10 sentiments may be missing. And then you have to connect the wires, which is not good.


An incorrectly selected conductor cross-section is another mistake that can lead not only to failure of the wiring, but also to cause a fire. It is important to pre-think about which electrical appliances will be operated in the house, determine their approximate power. Approximately 25% is added to the resulting power threshold. Based on the final result, a conductor of the desired cross section is selected. For these purposes, a special table is used.

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If the electrical work is not performed by a professional, it will be difficult for him to pick up circuit breakers for power. If it is not calculated correctly, then at peak load, the machines will constantly knock out, since the fuses will not withstand the load.

Trying to save money on the master, the owner of the apartment or house also saves on the cost of materials (wires, sockets, switches, machines). There are a lot of Chinese goods at a low price in the market. That's just their quality leaves much to be desired. If you need high-quality wiring, then you should not save on it.


This is not all the problems that the owner of an apartment or house may encounter, who has decided to independently replace the wiring or lay a new one. However, most of the problems can be avoided if you thoroughly study the basic rules of wiring. The best option is to contact a specialist who will provide expert assistance as soon as possible. High quality work is not cheap.

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