- 1 Wood frame
- 2 Paper decor
- 3 Bathroom mirror decor
- 4 Mosaic decor
- 5 Mirror with lace
You can decorate a mirror of any shape with your own hands from improvised materials. These are all kinds of options with wood, paper and textile decor.
Wood frame
The option is suitable for round and oval mirrors. The mirror is similar to the sun. To make it, you will need twigs, a plywood base, a primer, glue, sandpaper and a glue gun.
To begin with, the entire circumference of the mirror is glued with twigs, which must be held for 20 seconds until they are fixed. After drying, glue residue is removed with sandpaper. A primer is applied on top, the structure remains to dry for an hour.
After drying, the frame is covered with paint or varnish. The base of the frame can be wrapped with twine and fixed to glue.

Paper decor
Small round mirrors can be decorated with egg packaging. Each cell is cut out and glued in three pieces or more to make a flower. If desired, the flowers can be spray painted. Further, all the elements are glued around the perimeter of the mirror.

Bathroom mirror decor
To begin with, the previous coating layer is erased from the old mirror frame. To do this, you can use liquid to remove paint, which can be bought at any construction store. After the frame is primed, covered with glue. Various decorative elements are planted on it: shells, beads, satin ribbons. An alternative to decorating a bathroom mirror is pasting a wooden frame with multi-colored tape.

Mosaic decor
Mirrors with mosaic frames, which can be either glass or ceramic, look spectacular and attractive. Mosaic tiles are sold in plumbing departments. You need to purchase several pieces and cut them to the desired width for the frame. After the elements are glued to the wooden base.

Mirror with lace
The mirrors framed by lace look unusual. A paper variety is available from the cookware departments. You will need lace from paper for cakes, double-sided tape, a round mirror, spray paint, scissors and coating paper.

To start, white lace is spray-painted and dried for 1-2 hours. The mirror is pasted over with double-sided tape over the entire area. After the lace and mirror are connected. On the lace are attached to the wall. As them you can use double-sided adhesive tape.

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