How to modify a cordless screwdriver also for network operation

A screwdriver is an indispensable tool in the arsenal of every man, who at least occasionally deals with housekeeping, repair, decoration of a city apartment or country house. Nowadays, it is customary to save. Save totally. Therefore, once again I do not want to spend money on the purchase of a new instrument.


If the house has a screwdriver that runs on battery power, you also need to purchase a screwdriver that runs on mains. Take your time to spend the money. Today, you can try to remake the battery-powered tool into a universal one that will work both on the mains and on the battery. Let's try to figure out how to do this.

We start a side job

In fact, this is a real refinement of a conventional tool into a universal one. So, we must adapt the tool to work from the network. This can be done in several ways that will not cause difficulties for a person who first takes up this business.

First, we need a laptop charger. Well, why exactly such a charge? The fact is that this device is similar in its characteristics to charging designed for an electric tool. The main thing is to look at the marking of the incoming voltage. And if the parameters converge, you can safely use the charger for a screwdriver with a battery, which we are transforming into a universal tool.

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First you need to cut off the connector from charging, solder or wind the wire through a special hole, which is done in a screwdriver in advance. Everything, after that you can safely work with a power screwdriver.


Note! In no case should the altered device be operated at a height greater than 2 meters from the ground. Is it dangerous!

Another way

There is another fairly simple way how to modify the tool, making it universal. Here we take an external power supply for a personal computer. The ideal format in this case is AT. We also look at power indicators, that is, on the case should be indicated:

  1. Up to 350 Watts Yes
  2. Circuit voltage up to 12 W but not less than 16 amperes.

In this case, we disassemble the power supply, remove the protection against switching on, conduct solder wires to the battery terminals of the tool. The screwdriver is ready for operation from the mains. Now it can be safely used from an electrical outlet, without thinking about the duration of the work that can limit the battery charge.

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