Myths about the tops of natural stone

Natural stone for thousands of years used to produce a wide variety of products - from small façade elements to the whole statues. This material is already established itself as a durable, practical and aesthetic raw material suitable for use in virtually any environment.

To date, very popular among consumers sought natural stone countertops. They are an excellent alternative to the working surfaces of the MDF and solid wood. But, despite their widely spread around such products is still spinning a large number of myths. The main ones we are reviewing today.

Myths about the tops of natural stone

  • Stone color changes due to external influences. Kitchen - is a place where people are constantly working with different liquids and foods, so it is no wonder that they often fall on the table. Many believe that because of this contact on the surface there are stains. But this problem is not as common. Timely cleaning and special impregnation sealant stone eliminates any unwanted changes.

  • Stone is short-lived. Many people, despite objective evidence of stone vitality, do not believe in what he is able to maintain its quality for tens and even hundreds of years. In this case, we advise you to go to a nearby museum and see the ancient statues made of marble or granite. Even after thousands of years, and in the absence of proper treatment they are perfectly preserved.

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  • Stone is easy to care. In reality, the care of any natural stone, be it granite, marble or onyx, reduced to a series of simple manipulations: regular rubbing, applying a protective impregnation and timely removal of liquids from the surface with high acidity (lemon or orange juice, coffee, and so on. d.). By the way, even countertops made of MDF or solid maintenance-free.

  • Too expensive. This is probably the most common misconception, that deals with natural stone countertops. The high cost of these products - it's just a myth. First, high-quality marble top or granite is able to last for hundreds of years. For example, the life of the working surfaces of the MDF is only 5-10 years, after which they should be changed. Secondly, the modern methods of processing and quarrying have significantly reduce the cost of the finished product.

  • Stylistic limitations. The stereotype is that of natural stone products are only suitable for classical interior, no longer relevant. Today, designers use of marble countertops, granite and other stones in almost any style, including an ultramodern loft, provence, country and so on. D. The wide color palette and the possibility of obtaining products of any form of natural stone make the universal material for any premises.

Table tops made of natural stone in "OgranStroy"

If you do not believe that the countertop of natural stone can be a great addition to any kitchen, make sure that you can by contacting "OgranStroy". It manufactures a wide range of stone products, including the working surface. Consultants are always ready to answer any of your questions, as well as a tour of the show-room; which is located at: Ul. Freedom, 35s39, office 212.

Among the advantages of buying a countertop in "OgranStroy" include:

  • a wide range of materials. The company supplies marble and granite from all over the world, so you can choose the material that not only will have a texture and color that will fit perfectly into your interior, but also according to your the budget;

  • own production. On the basis of "OgranStroy" running several individual production plants, which are served by highly skilled craftsmen, able to make any tabletop according to customer requirements. Furthermore, the presence of its own production allows careful quality control at every stage of manufacture;

  • design development. The specialists of "OgranStroy" ready not only to produce high-quality tabletop, but also develop its design according to your wishes, as well as the features of the room in which it will be operated;

  • loyal prices. The main goal of "OgranStroy" is to make products from natural stone more affordable so employees always help you choose a product that would fit your budget.

Do you want to get more information about the services and products of the company "OgranStroy", please call +7 (495) 125-43-14. The staff will answer any of your questions and help you place your order.

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