How does wood species affect lumber quality?

Lumber - products obtained by processing natural wood, is popular among private and commercial developers. Its main advantage is the affordable cost, which can significantly reduce the cost of repairs or large-scale construction works.


You need to learn how to choose lumber, focusing on clearly established criteria. These include the breed and quality of the tree, as well as the way it is further processed.

Lumber and wood grade: connection and features of choice

Each type of tree has its advantages and disadvantages. One wood has increased strength, another has resistance to moisture, and the third has resistance to drying.


For the production of lumber, inexpensive varieties of wood are often used. At the same time, despite the low cost, they should be environmentally friendly and no visible damage.

The best varieties of wood for the production of lumber are pine - pine and spruce. Pine has a dense structure, retains heat well, repels moisture, and when treated with special substances it resists an open flame. Spruce is less dense, but has good heat-insulating qualities.

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Another type of wood - larch, is also widely used in the process of lumber production. It has a high density and resistance to high pressure, and therefore can be used for the construction of load-bearing structures.

Tips for choosing lumber

When choosing it is important to carefully monitor the integrity of wooden blocks. Any cracks and irregularities can cause difficulties in the construction or repair process and even emergency situations.


Another criterion is the moisture content of the wood. Poorly dried lumber has a large weight and is characterized by lighter shades.

The presence of a large number of knots suggests that the material was prepared quickly and without following the rules. It is better not to use it in construction.

Firstly, it needs further processing, which will take time. Secondly, after processing, the product may become too thin and not suitable for further use. Processing itself also cannot be performed without special equipment.

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