Liquid glass, also known as silicate glue, is used for a wide range of works - from construction work to decorating rooms. What this material is, and how it can be used to decorate your apartment, we will describe in this article.

What is liquid glass?
The composition of the material includes sodium silicate or water-based potassium silicate. The invention of the product belongs to the scientist Jan von Fuchs, who received it back in 1818 by mixing silicon acid with alkali. For all the time, several more methods of producing liquid glass were invented, for example, by fusing baking soda and sand at high temperature.
The finished mixture dissolves in water, and the result is a thick substance with excellent adhesive properties. The material must be used immediately, so it hardens very quickly. Liquid glass is also interesting because it has antiseptic properties and is used to sterilize all kinds of materials.

Use of material for the manufacture of decor items
Creative people could not pass by such material, and it began to be used for the manufacture of various kinds of jewelry and crafts. So, liquid glass can be used to treat the surface of the gypsum sculpture - this will decorate and strengthen the surface of the product.
Glass can be used as glue in the manufacture of decorative elements for an apartment from glass, wood, fabric and other materials. For example, using liquid glass, you can make a beautiful candlestick. To do this, liquid glass is applied to the finished product, after which the surface can be decorated, for example, with coffee beans, a mosaic of multi-colored pebbles, etc. In this way, you can decorate vases, dishes, lamps and other objects, turning them into unusual decorations the interior.

With the help of liquid glass, beautiful pictures are also made. First, a drawing is applied to a dense surface, for example, from fabric or plywood, then it is opened with liquid glass and beads, pieces of colored glass or beads are laid out along the contours of the drawing. The finished picture is again opened with glass to fix it. To decorate the paintings, you can also use sea salt, shells, cereals and other improvised materials.
Making glass flowers is another way to make a beautiful decoration for an apartment. To do this, you need a petal mold, acrylic paints and the material itself. First, the paint is mixed with glass, poured into petal molds and wait for the material to solidify. After this, it remains only to extract the finished parts, and collect the flower from them using wire and glue (you can use the same glass).

Liquid glass is a real find in skillful hands. The possibilities of the material in the manufacture of home decorations are almost endless, you just have to show a little imagination and patience.
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