How to choose a plaster: professional advice

Plastering is the most important step in the process of repair and construction work on leveling the walls for preliminary preparation of the plane for artificial paint coating. The service life and the subsequent quality of the coating will depend on the correct decision on the choice of the stucco mixture.


Depending on the main components of the plaster mortar, there are gypsum and cement mixtures. They are different in their specific purpose and in the time needed to completely dry the applied mixture, after which it is possible to cover the surface with paint.


In places with high humidity (bath, toilet, laundry), cement plaster is used. The use of a solution of cement allows you to achieve a reliable, immune to humidity and a sharp change in temperature, for a long time serving coating, and high-quality and correct application of the layer will make it possible not to update the coating for at least a few tens years old. To dry such a mixture, when the layer becomes sufficiently strong, it takes at least 5 days (depending on the brand and manufacturer), but for complete readiness for subsequent layers - from 20 days.

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The drying time of the plaster can be reduced, but it is quite difficult. To do this, it is best to use building heat guns. The use of chemical special agents for drying as soon as possible is justified, but they are recommended to be used only for special work.


Gypsum plasters are used only indoors, in conditions of constant humidity not higher than normal, and even if you need to perform work in a short period of time.

Gypsum mixtures are applied in only one layer, while cement mixtures should be applied in three layers using the correct coating method. Typically, the drying time of gypsum mortar is from 4 to 6 days according to the instructions, but in fact, most masters allow a period of 3 days.


The place of work also influences the choice of dry plaster: the mortar can be designed for external and internal work. For outdoor work, facade plaster is used, which gives the building a more beautiful appearance, prevents the influence of environmental influences on the walls. This mixture, in contrast to the mortar for internal work, is more resistant to moisture, temperature changes and other influences.


Plasters containing polyurethanes and epoxies have higher strength, are stable to chemicals, to fairly high and low temperatures, as well as harsh temperatures fluctuations.

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