5 common mistakes masons beginners in masonry


  • 1 5 main mistakes beginner masons
    • 1.1 1. Deviations from the vertical
    • 1.2 2. Weak dressing
    • 1.3 3. Poor seam filling
    • 1.4 4. Dirty masonry
    • 1.5 5. Curved tracks

The durability and reliability of any brick structure directly depends on the quality of the masonry. That is why for novice masons it is especially important to observe the technology of the work, not to make mistakes. Experience and knowledge of the basic rules of bricklaying will allow you to complete the task quite quickly and efficiently.

5 main mistakes beginner masons

1. Deviations from the vertical

Often, beginning masons have a problem associated with the fact that the masonry deviates from the vertical to the sides or in the center. Subsequently, both errors can be corrected only by applying additional layers of plaster. This leads to additional costs of materials and time. But this does not apply to the facing, in this case it will not be possible to mask flaws of this kind.

2. Weak dressing

Properly performed dressing (the displacement of the bricks of the lower row relative to the upper) allows you to significantly increase the strength of the masonry and, accordingly, the entire constructed structure as a whole. Its absence can lead to collapse. Only partial overlap of vertical mortar joints is allowed, but only when performing rough masonry. In this case, the dressing must be performed every 3 brick rows.

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3. Poor seam filling

Poor joint filling is a common mistake. As a result, masonry will not be able to provide the proper level of thermal insulation. In addition, the appearance in this case becomes unaesthetic. The customer is unlikely to accept such a job. Solving the problem (re-filling all the solution slots) will require a lot of time and effort.

4. Dirty masonry

If we are not talking about rough masonry, then the surface of the bricks should not be dirty with mortar. It should be clean and tidy. For customers, it will clearly indicate the unprofessionalism of the invited employee, so a similar approach to masonry is an objective necessity.

5. Curved tracks

The appearance of the facade can be irreversibly ruined by the curved paths of the brick lining. At the same time, the masonry can be performed with the utmost quality, but customer disturbances cannot be avoided. The money spent on a spectacular finish did not bring the expected result. It will not be easy to monitor the even arrangement of bricks at the beginning of the development of the mason profession, but experienced craftsmen note that they cope with this task almost without hesitation.

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