At the moment, the alignment of the ceiling is carried out in a "wet" and "dry" way. The “raw” method is the alignment of the ceiling using special mixtures that are applied to the ceiling. The ceiling must be prepared - the old putty is removed, paint, cracks are expanded (remove crumbling edges).

The “dry” method involves the use of a “false ceiling”, i.e. to make a covering of a ceiling.
The choice of the method by which alignment is performed depends on the unevenness of the ceiling - on the size of the maximum height difference. If the roughness with a maximum difference of not more than 3-5 cm, alignment is possible using the "raw" method.

If the differences are up to 1 cm, you can do just leveling putty, which, after drying, must be sanded with fine-grained sandpaper. If the differences are 2-4 cm, a metal or masking grid is preliminarily applied to the ceiling. The paint net, or sickle, is similar to gauze and is attached to the ceiling with glue (usually PVA is used).

The metal mesh is attached with hooks or screws with a wide hat, which are screwed into the dowels in an amount that ensures reliable fixation of the mesh on the ceiling. Further, the alignment of the ceiling is carried out by applying plaster. After drying, a layer of putty is applied. For the possibility of painting in the future, the ceiling is primed.
With large differences, the use of the "raw" method becomes very expensive and difficult to do. Therefore, in this case, they prefer to use a decorative structure covering the ceiling plate.For this purpose, suspended or suspended ceilings or ceiling lining is used.

Ceiling lining. When cladding, alignment of the ceiling is carried out by fixing the frame. The frame must be metal, because when using wooden blocks you run the risk of getting cracks on the already sheathed ceiling. Wooden bars at high humidity can bend, which will lead to rupture of the ceiling cladding.

To the concrete ceiling, the crate is shot with a construction gun. To a softer ceiling, the crate is fixed with screws.

Drywall is most often used as a decorative coating, but it is possible to use chipboard, plywood, and laminate. Concealed electrical wiring, signaling and other engineering networks are easily mounted over drywall sheets.
Drywall is easy to paint and whiten, however, when wet, the drywall sheets will have to be changed. This is perhaps the only drawback when plastering the ceiling.

Stretch ceiling. In this case, under the ceiling, bearing rails made of a special profile are screwed to the walls around the entire perimeter of the room, an elastic canvas is attached to them. As in the case with plasterboard ceiling lining, suspended ceilings allow the installation of hidden wiring engineering networks. The advantage of this option is that the stretch ceiling is fully restored after wetting, it can be washed. The only drawback of stretch ceilings is that it cannot be painted to match the design of the room, however, you can choose the color for the purchase.

Dropped ceilings. First of all, it is necessary to fix the carrier tires to the ceiling. Tires are fastened with dowels, then wire suspensions cling to it. The length of the suspensions is adjusted so that the suspended ceiling is even, without distortions. However, as a design solution, the length of the suspensions can be changed to achieve the effect of waves or arches. Bearing profiles are attached to the suspensions at a distance of 10-13 cm. In the case of slatted ceilings - slats are fastened to the profiles in grooves or with special locks. A corner is installed between the ceiling and the wall.

In the case of tile ceilings - the technology is no different - square tiles are attached to the profiles. The alignment of the ceiling in this case is also done in a "dry" way.

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