In such cases, it is better to replace the bath than to restore its enamel.

The bathroom in any apartment, house - a separate room, is associated with cleanliness, accuracy. The good owners in this room have a sparkling white bath. But the day is coming when the enamel of the tank becomes worn out, traces of rust appear, dark spots, the enamel is erased exposing the bald spots of the metal.


You have to decide whether to change the entire tank or restore it. It's a pity to throw out, but an update is needed. Let us examine the cases when it is possible to restore it, and in which it is better to refuse restoration by replacing the entire tank.

Bathtubs made in the USSR

Cast-iron bathtubs of the Soviet era, were made according to a special technique. The enamel coating of such tanks was applied in three layers. The thickness of the layer, gave cast iron products longevity. The composition and characteristics of the allied enamel coating have nothing to do with modern coatings. At that time, the quality was at a high level.


If you have a Soviet cast-iron tank, there are rusty tracks in it, but there are no obvious abrasions of enamel to large metal, such a tank should be restored. The presence of large black spots with bare metal, can not be restored. Such a restored tank will have a short service life. To avoid additional costs, it is better to change the bath.

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The protective coating of metal containers of those times was of lower quality. This is explained by the fact that steel tanks belonged to a lower class and were always covered in one layer. Due to the high ductility of steel, the thick coating layer simply did not hold off falling off in pieces in the first years of operation. It is better to immediately replace such a tank without considering the possibility of restoration.


When replacing the Soviet capacity, look under it. Pay attention to the sewer pipes. If cast iron, you have to change the drain pipes to the riser. Disconnecting them is not realistic. It is necessary to distribute finances taking into account their replacement.


Enamel restoration

The restoration of the enamel coating of the tank gives a good result, but it is short-lived. Because when applying enamel to a bath in the factory, a certain pressure, temperature and all the necessary microclimate are created for successful coating. At home, this is impossible. The restored bath will last a short time. After that, the enamel coating will again begin to expose the metal.

Restoration of products of the CIS era will be justified, with a modern expensive acrylic bath. Or when planning a repair in the bathroom soon. This will avoid unforeseen financial costs. In any other cases, the best option is replacement.

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