Kurdyumov garden - productivity and beauty

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Kurdyumov is sure that to get high yields it is necessary to spend more mental labor than physical. The Kurdyumov garden should be clever.

Getting Started with Planning

Kurdyumov argues that site planning helps to save time 2-3 times.

First of all, calculate how many vegetables you need, and only plant what you need. Try not to increase the area under the planting, but to increase the yield.

Plants need sun

The Kurdyumov garden should be constantly illuminated by the sun's rays: it will not be possible to get a good harvest in the shade. In the penumbra you can grow only greens, lettuce and some root vegetables.

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In order not to create a shadow on the site, trellises on which tall vegetables are placed are recommended to be oriented north and south.

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Pumpkin, beans and melons can be planted near fences and illuminated walls, used to decorate arbours and arches.

We equip the beds for Kurdyumov

In the garden on Kurdyumov, when placing beds, work is taken into account. For example, if beds are poured from a well, it is recommended that the beds are positioned radially around the well in order to reduce the effort expended.

The garden according to Kurdyumov assumes the presence of high beds. To do this, you need to build a wall using any material that is handy. High beds help plants to transfer drought more easily and prevent waterlogging, and you - to reduce the treated area.


Another requirement of the kitchen garden according to Kurdyumov is the obligatory availability of organic materials. To do this, next to the beds you need to arrange a compost pile.

An obligatory condition put forward by the kitchen garden on Kurdyumov is the presence of paths that should not remain naked. They should be covered with boards or other materials, so that they do not pull water from the beds.

Pay special attention to the irrigation system

By equipping the garden for Kurdyumov, one can not save on the irrigation system. Ideally, it is recommended to use a "tee" made of thin hoses, one end which is attached to a container of water, and to others attach leaky hoses that are digging in in the beds. The tank must be placed on a raised platform so that the water can move independently through the hoses. This will greatly facilitate the work: you can open the tap and do your own business, and the garden at this time will be watered. It is desirable to collect rainwater from the roof in the tank.

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Let's sum up. What should I look for when setting up a kitchen garden for Kurdyumov?

Requirements imposed by the garden for Kurdyumov:

  • site planning;
  • increasing the yield, rather than the size of the plot;
  • constant presence of the sun;
  • preparation of the compost pile;
  • placement of beds in view of work;
  • preparation of high beds;
  • the tracks must not be bare;
  • orientation of the trellis to the south-north;
  • high-quality watering system.

And the last condition: the garden on Kurdyumov does not spoil the view of the plot, but decorates it, like flower beds and lawns.

Video "Ogorod from A to Z by Kurdyumov"

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