What will we do on the flower beds in September?

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In September, the sun in the suburban area is getting smaller, the days are shortened, at night the air cools to such an extent that in the morning there is abundant dew on the grass. With the onset of autumn, flowerbeds, alpine slides, decorative shrubs require special attention.

By the end of the summer the flowering of many annual plants is coming to an end. To decorate the flower beds are unpretentious marigolds, fragrant tobacco, salvia, nasturtium and some other species. Lushness to the September flower beds is provided by dahlias and gladioli. But their time also goes away.

Annuals on September beds

To flower gardens until the coldest did not look neglected, in September we have to pay special attention to the condition of annuals. Withered, spoiled by night frosts or diseased plants are removed. The soil cleared of plant residues is loosened and spilled with a solution of phytosporin or another agent that restores the microflora and fertility of the soil.

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Carrying out such work on flower beds is very important, as they are rarely transferred to a new place, useful substances from the soil are gradually washed away, spores of fungi accumulate, soil pests and dangerous bacteria.

Popular annuals can multiply by self-seeding. If this is not included in the plans of the summer resident, the discolored heads are immediately cut off, without waiting for the formation of seeds.

Autumn care for perennials on the flowerbed

The vacant place on the flower beds can be occupied by young perennials. Until mid-September, it is possible to transplant and divide the overgrown specimens. Dug up the soil under the planting is not only cleared of weeds and remains of old vegetation, but also fertilized by the introduction of humus and potassium-phosphorus mixtures.

Planting plans so that in the future perennials do not interfere with each other and have enough nutrition for growth and flowering. In doing so, they are guided by the individual characteristics of flowers.

For example, for daisies, 20 cm between the curtains is enough. The monarchs and little bells, the aquilegia, and the young grew unconcerned. For their seedling, enough intervals of about 30 cm. Tall species with lush foliage and powerful peduncles, for example for mallow, foxglove, perennial delphinium, distance between seedlings is increased to 40-50 cm.

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September - the time of planting bulbous spring flowering. First, their place on the flower beds are muscari, sparse, crocus. Then comes the turn of the dacha's favorite daffodils and tulips.

In autumn, even persistent perennial cultures gradually lose decorativeness. To support plants and ensure their future flowering:

  • dried leaves, stems and flower stalks are cut out;
  • the soil is loosened and densely covered with mulch, which protects the roots and bases of the stems from the approaching cold.
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In irises, the aerial part does not die, so the foliage is not removed, but shortened, removing the faded or fungal-leafed ends of the leaves.

Vegetable remains from flower beds are often affected by pests and diseases. They can not be put in compost. Such plants are better to burn, and ash is used as a potash fertilizer and a soft agent for deoxidation.

Garden lianas and shrubs are cut in September, removing weak, discolored, damaged shoots. Before winter, check the strength of the supports of tall plants, harvested peat and lapnik to cover roses, clematis, hydrangeas and other shrubs.


As air and soil cool, plants require less moisture. If you keep the summer watering regime, the risk of decaying the roots increases, so in September the flowerbeds are watered less often, and at the end of the month, watering is stopped altogether.

Care for dahlias and gladioli in September

While the window is warm, summer flower beds are buried in the colors of gladioli and dahlias. But freezing can cause serious damage not only to flowers, but also to stems. If the basal part suffers, the risk of weakening or death of the plant is great. Therefore dahlias and blossoming gladioli are sprinkled with a layer of mulch and stop their watering.

This measure will help to prolong the beauty of summer cottages, but already in the middle of the month, in most regions, it is time to dig out the clay-bearing crops. Before the onset of stable frosts, dahlias, gladioli, begonias, and also thermophilic bulbous species are extracted from the soil, which will not survive the frosty winter.

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When the planting material is collected, it is washed and kept in a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide, then carefully dried and stored for storage. To prevent the formation of mold, containers should be easily ventilated. Tuber dahlias, often drying out over the winter, before drying can be dipped in whipped protein. It will turn into a film and protect the moisture inside the tubers.

Care for the dacha in September

The garden pond with the beginning of autumn is also changing. Coastal plants, like flowers on flower beds, require pruning or harvesting. Winter-resistant water species are lowered so that they are at a depth of not less than 60 cm. Heat-loving plants in the second half of the month are removed and transferred to more suitable conditions.

In September, a leaf fall begins. The bright foliage looks beautiful on the water mirror, but it settles on the bottom, rotes, negatively affects the transparency of the water, forms a layer of silt. Therefore, it is better to cover the pond with a grid that will hold up the leaves, branches and other windswept debris.

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