Beds of conifers - evergreen oases in landscape design

Coniferous plants are used as gardening alleys, scenes, home gardens. Ephedra have a number of advantages over other plants.

Benefits of a bed of conifers:

  • The main advantage of a bed with conifers is its evergreen at any time of the year. Just look at the photo of a bed of conifers to make sure that this postulate is correct;
  • Accessibility of flower bed design development and subsequent preparation for planting;
  • Ease and simplicity in the care of a flower bed with conifers;
  • Ability to save plantings in a flower bed for several years. Conifers are primarily perennial plants and do not require annual renewal;
  • Save material costs for creating a bed and caring for it;
  • Save time on maintaining the type of bed of conifers at the proper level.

The choice is made, it's time to start forming a bed of conifer. This process consists of several stages.

Arrangement of a bed of conifers:

  • Design of a bed with conifers;
  • Selection of conifers;
  • instagram viewer
  • Development of a bed of conifers;
  • Preparation of soil under a bed;
  • Planting conifers themselves.
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Despite the rich choice of conifers, in landscape design there are common principles for the formation of a bed of conifers.

Coniferous flower bed design principles:

  • Priority is given to small and compact plants;
  • The game is based on a game of contrast in shape and color;
  • Slow-growing dwarf conifers are planted against the background of ground cover plants;
  • The lawn and alpine slide serves as the base for the flowerbed;
  • The addition of a coniferous flower bed is stones;
  • Decor for a bed of conifer pick bark.

By observing these principles, you can avoid many common mistakes of amateur gardeners. For example, plants are planted without taking into account the ability to grow further and at too close a distance from each other. In the future, this leads to the fact that some of them grow rather quickly, blocking the access of sunlight to other plants and even the residential house itself. As a result, disharmony in the size of the plants becomes noticeable, and the general appearance of the flower bed loses its original charm.

Pine, spruce, fir or juniper are chosen as the basis for a bed of conifers.
Shrubs, combined with conifers, are rhododendrons, barberries, heather, spireas, ericas, boxwood.
Perennial herbaceous plants such as cereals and ferns are also suitable for composition.
Phloxes, thyme, bryozoans, creeping survivors, sedums are used as ground cover plants forming the background of the flowerbed.
The combination of plants in flowerbeds with conifers of the photo is illustrated better than any description.

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When preparing the soil for a flower bed, you should take into account that a feature of coniferous plants is their unpretentiousness and ability to take root in any land. Nevertheless, it would be wiser to take care of the soil in advance and mix leaf or dirt turf, adding peat and sand. Special mixes for conifers, sold in stores for gardeners, are also useful.

Pits under the plants are dug up to a depth of about 60-70 cm and lined with prepared soil mixtures. Pebbles are used as drainage.
After planting conifers, it is necessary to tamp the soil and mulch. If necessary, you can add an additional layer of earth.

The plan of a bed of conifers usually involves 12 design options. Every gardener, whether amateur or professional, can develop their own composition. But before you begin this, it is desirable to get acquainted with their main types.

Read also: Interesting ideas of beds with perennials

  1. Compact .In this scheme, a coastal juniper is planted in the foreground, in the middle of the flower bed is placed mountain pine and western thuja. A special feature of this composition is its small size, which allows it to be arranged along the fences, and thus to decorate them.
  2. Large .The flower bed is ideal for large spaces and is usually located in areas adjacent to fences. In this composition, 2 varieties of common juniper are planted along the fence, and in front of them are western thuja, junipers are placed on its sides, and mountain pine, barberry and juniper again, but scaly, are in the middle, and further along the edge is horizontal juniper 2species;
  3. Horizontal .Its feature is the mandatory requirement of a flat, flat surface for planting. In its creation use 3-4 types of junipers, for example, molded Virginia, Prince of Wales, Andorra Compact;
  4. A flower bed in the forest style .Allows you to create the impression of a natural landscape. Rocky juniper and mountain pine, as well as Canadian and ordinary spruce trees are ideal for such a natural flower bed.

Video: coniferous plants for alpine slides

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