Flowerbed with phlox: types of flowers and their compatibility with other plants

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Wonderful color of phloxes can not be better suited for the combination of phloxes

flower beds. These lush flowering perennials are unpretentious in their care. They look great and take root in the same area with other types of flowers, shrubs and herbs. So, you can create a flower bed with phloxes of any kind: a mixborder, a carpet, an irregular or regular flower garden, a group, an orchestra, a curb, an array, and bedding.

But their most important advantages are the flowering period and frost resistance.

Due to the huge number of phlox species( about 60) for a home flower garden, you can select groups of plants that have different flowering periods. So the beds with phloxes planted on the site will delight the surrounding bright and outlandish colors( fragrances) from the first truly warm spring days until autumn.

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What can be a flowerbed with phloxes( photos of the planting options and flowering calendar)

Among all the phlox species there are:

  • Creeping( ground cover) plants.
    This variety of flowers begins to turn green and bloom the very first - somewhere in the middle - towards the end of May( depending on the weather).In most cases, designers use it to create a background for a landscape composition in which shrubs, primroses and fruit trees can participate. From the creeping varieties of plants obtained bright purple, juicy-red, pink and white carpet flower beds, curb streams, arrays and rabatki. The unusual flowerbed with phloxes depicted in the photo, the pattern of which is irregular, is organized from the awl-shaped type of flowers. It is ideal for alpine slides and single flower beds, decorating retaining walls.
  • Fluffed( splayed) plants.
    A transitional form of phlox, which no longer creeps along the ground, because it has a small( below average) stem length. It blooms next to the ground cover species and is considered the most unpretentious member of the family. And also exotic, because its inflorescences are a lush bunch of small flowers of light lilac, purple, lilac or white. Another virtue of the variety is the violet scent of flowers and the longest flowering period. It will help assess how the flowerbed of phlox will look like, the photo below.
  • Shrub low-growing plants.
    This variety of phlox blooms almost all of June and smells sweet and sweet. In height, the stem of a flower does not exceed 100 cm, and the inflorescence consists of a multitude of small white, white-violet, saturated red or dark pink flowers. These plants have one fundamental difference from their previous relatives. They love sour soil. In it, they are perfectly accustomed and thrive in bloom. To organize a flower bed with phlox, the scheme is not needed. This plant variety looks great in a collage flower garden.
  • Shrub tall plants.
    The most popular, extensive and well-known variety of phlox. Some representatives of the species bloom somewhere in mid-late June, others in early July, and others - in August. Their bloom lasts about a month. In tall plants there are representatives with small and large, with spotty and strange flowers in the inflorescence. And also with an unusual in shape inflorescence. These may be the beds of phlox - a photo taken at the height of flowering.
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Lush flower bed with peonies and phloxes: suitable plants for the combination of

Before listing which phlox plants make up the perfect combination, you need to recall a few rules of phlox beds:

  • It is better to dilute brightly blossoming representatives with a non-paped inflorescence with non-flowering or inconspicuously flowering herbs. Such a combination will allow to present the beauty of the flower in a favorable light, and the phlox flowerbed with such an organization has a more aesthetically attractive appearance.
  • Low and creeping varieties when organizing a flower bed should be in the foreground. The higher the plant, the closer to the center or edge( group, border) it should be located.
  • Lush inflorescences of tall flowers are ideally combined with peonies. A photo of a flower bed with peonies and phloxes will help to make sure of this - the plants were combined with the colors of pink and purple tones.
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In addition to peonies, phloxes can be supplemented with: dwarf irises, hybrid primulas, muscari, dwarf coniferous bushes, edelweiss, poppy, dwarf wormwood, geranium and others. Picking up flowers for a flower bed with phloxes, we should not forget about the flowering period of all plants. Each individual variety must be different from the others. Using this scheme of planting flowers, it will be possible to create a flower garden that will delight the eyes throughout the dacha period.

Read also: How to make a flower bed with your own hands( step by step instructions)

Video: care for phloxes

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