Design ideas for a small kitchen: interior photos, features

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The footage of a small-sized kitchen cannot be dramatically increased by redevelopment. But to make the room more cozy and comfortable is easy. To begin, consider some interesting designs of a small kitchen with a photo.

Small kitchen design

Small kitchen layout

Square shape

Layout of a square small kitchen
A square is the optimal shape for a small room. Side door or in the center - enough space in the cooking area, enough for a table for two.

Such a kitchen abhors a palisade of small narrow facades. 4 pieces of furniture: a table, a cooking front, a wide hanging cabinet and a refrigerator. The focus is hidden inside the ledges of the walls. It turns out that the "cats" are turned out, not a ledge, but a hybrid cabinet "under the ledge." Lamps illuminate tables, but not the center of the kitchen. Center without accentuation - the square becomes a maze.

Narrow rectangular

Narrow small kitchen
We turn the tunnel room from bold “l” to “E”. We decide the question: is a door needed with its claims of 0.5 m2 area? Sliding will lie on the adjacent wall, taking the entire thickness of the binding. But the arch is better, behind it there is a translucent rack with the “tongue” of the table extending deep into. The table will be comfortable, because the neighboring doors are also on sliding rollers.
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The place of cooking is the windowsill. On the sides there is a refrigerator, stove, sink. Under the countertop is a washing machine. And the mezzanines are narrow, 25 cm - no more. Why reach far with your hand? A whole multifunctional complex is obtained.

Custom shape

Small kitchen of non-standard shape
Got a C-shaped? Even better! We take something from the E-layout, something from the square. With the difference that you don't need to build a pseudo column. She is already there. We roughen the verticals: it would be nice to impose a crude brick on it. Decorative and a lot of cross. This is an extension to the whole space.

Any ledge can be tiled flush as a hidden cabinet, even a mini pantry to do. Is the door “accordion”, “sliding” - if only without a pattern, without intrusive textures. In close, it becomes overweight. Mirror, matte finish - everywhere, in everything. Even plesiglase chairs to make. And if the chairs are on spinning legs, with a low back, a round seat.

Design ideas and interior style of a small kitchen

In modern style

Very small kitchen in a modern style
The last century has brought fashion to the laminate for the following times, strengthening the right to a long life of planks made of shavings with plastic, offering an incredible range of colors, textures, and most importantly, perfect fittings. Gas door closers saved space on the left and right of the cabinet. Handles are discarded in favor of self-folding facades. Well, if the handles are so thin that they merge with the panel.

The kitchen furniture suddenly became a perfectly fitted mosaic. There are no rows. The levels of the upper and lower interpenetrate - typical of a puzzle, when it is not clear where to start disassembling.

Small kitchen in a modern style

Of course, modern interior filled with glass: skinned with interior lighting, painted with polyurethane, like varnish boxes. Mirrored sandblasting effects create corners under a shady tree when this tree is depicted on the glass of all facades at once. Only wide planes are what a small space needs.

Grace Loft

Small Loft Style Kitchen
Breaking the partitions between the kitchen and the living room, we expect that the smells will be carried out by powerful kitchen hoods. Without differentiating between cooking and resting places, this is a loft style. Zones exist, but they are indicated by barriers. bar tables, hobs in the center, sofas dividing the boundaries of space.

Unique Loft is so without borders, which allows the metal frames of the building, turned into urban decor, downed plaster, oilcloth curtains, floor lamps to the ceiling. The more paradoxical the better.

Modern hi-tech

High-tech small kitchen design
High tech - the dominance of metal, almost a robotic world. With or without robots - but always super reliable, always with the inclusion of black as a symbol of the infinite Universe. Even the floor tile is a la “rusty metal”.

Hi-tech lamps - as if mini-spotlights on thin legs, rails, cables - carry directional halogen light, illuminate with rays only what is needed.

Scandinavian style

Small Scandinavian style kitchen
Fireplace, thick beams, masonry, white walls and bell caps on chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Rough, reliable, thorough.

Style lovers do not need to think: the faucet of the consignment note - we save on the sidebar. Replaced stainless sink with a copper basin - also good. A bar instead of a shelf is nowhere cheaper, but how stylish!

The Scandinavians built it from dampness, because few materials tolerate frost. Scandinavian loft - impeccable.

Classic interior

Design a small kitchen in a classic style
Where England is a classic. Victorian with baseboards, milled facades of cabinets, columns, consoles, tent hoods and mandatory arches - at least somewhere. Try to squeeze such a list into a small kitchenette! And here it is not necessary at once but that’s it. Beat the style partially. Here is the arched entrance to the kitchen without doors with wood pilasters at the ends. There is an oven combined with a microwave, but with an old facade. A long shelf where beautiful saucers crowd together. A sideboard under glass, but triangular in shape, even better - when spherical. Less angles and stylish. Continued ...

Minimalism - nothing more

The large people of tiny islands make of wood so that it’s not a shame to inherit. Minimalism - almost Japanese, made from extremely carefully crafted wood. Very small kitchens absorbed the experience of the East in their own way: a maxim of wood, but there are no black varnishes there.

Minimalism style small kitchen

The tree is bleached, varnished matte. The eye does not hurt, it's nice to touch. Facades of furniture are elongated horizontally. The division of shelves is strictly square. Wooden sliding screens hide refrigerators inside niches, where, along with chests of drawers, washers, they do not disdain.

Color schemes

White clarity

Small white kitchen

Glossy, matte, combi... What to stop at? One must take into account the obsession of white. Combining a different degree of brilliance - diverse. The likeness of the hospital room is easy to level with fine inserts: there is a cherry on a white facade, a tiled apron decorated with openwork Arabic pattern. White is an exceptional backdrop to vibrant or achromatic graphics. Black tiled rhombus on the floor - why not move? Further…

Gray - a combination in everything

Small kitchen in gray tones

Polished white is already grayish. Gray has a wonderful property to combine with incredibly bright colors. Olive table, ultramarine cooking top, sky blue shelves. The gray kitchen is ideally combined with cupronickel fittings, crystal, mirrored faceted tiles on the wall. In gray - in a royal way, not at all depressed. More details ...

Beige - a parody of wood

Beige very small kitchen
Provence, "antique": wood, mosaic, like a scattering of cookies, stretch ceilings, similar to baked milk. The warmth blows from beige, the kitchen is cozy. Cherry edges, copper-colored metal - joyful overflow of beige color will only strengthen. Continued ...

Yellow - bright sunny shades

Small kitchen in yellow
The kitchen "lemon" without the color of the leaves of this tree does not seem like a food, but a chemical motive. Diluting the yellow with black seat stools, green skins, orange shades, you can create a unique “citrus” image. Further…

Anti stress green

Small kitchen in yellow
Green imperial malachite cannot be called boring. This metaphor must be adhered to. Green is incredibly easy to work with, because you cannot count the shades of green. It is only necessary to consider: dirty green surfaces with acid green combine well. Khaki and other transitional tones emphasize the nobility of fresh greens strongly, even if green is only a narrow strip. See more ...



The diagonally laid ceramic tiles will expand the floor of the small kitchen, and the diagonal of the parquet board will move away (visually, of course) the far wall.

Parquet board in a small kitchen

Thinking of the first option or the second - in any case, it would be nice to designate the area of ​​the dining table by changing color (or pattern).

Ceramic tiles in a small kitchen

A good way to "bumps" dark in white and vice versa is when the tile is laid unevenly. But you don’t need to ring a narrow space near the cabinets and walls - the effect of the “well” is fraught.


Walls of a small kitchen
The best design decision is when the walls are plastically worked out (t. e. have differences), and the plastic walls are echoed by differences in ceiling heights. Then the light can be put in rows of halogens or in groups of 4-6 pieces. Hidden lights can be hidden behind the protrusions of the "pockets".

Another approach is painting (cladding) of narrow vertical space with something different from the general background. A slightly foreign strip supposedly “pierces” the kitchen space, mentally takes it out - and there is no feeling of crowding.


Ceiling beams in a small kitchen
More details considered in this article. Not supporting, but false beams, the upper part will serve as a shelf, the lower - the place of installation of lamps. Multilevel with the composition shifted from the center say that the wall is a random partition, it is easy to move it with your hand.

Modern stretch ceiling - like a breakthrough to heaven. Dark, light, lake-glossy, lagoon loops and cheese circles are a bunch of solutions that are worth using.

Furniture in a very small kitchen

Kitchen set

For a cramped kitchen you need:

  • pieces of furniture "to order",
  • hybrids (shelving-bar racks),
  • facades exceeding a width of 40 cm,
  • chest sofas
  • folding, extendable tables,
  • pedestals for stools
  • curved, trapezoidal shapes are desirable.
Modern kitchen in a small kitchen

Dinner Zone

Dining area of ​​a small kitchen
The stationary dining area stands out vividly as the center of events - the rest is subordinate, the background. Combine the dining table with a sink, a two-burner stove, putting everything in the center, like the Irish - a new trend, gaining strength. Further…

Placement of the refrigerator

Fridge in a very small kitchen
First, you need to decide whether a two-meter giant is really needed. The white, silver case is more likely to improve the situation when without any false panels. The cabinet to the ceiling, hiding the refrigerator, is used for overall utensils in the compartments above. Further…

The choice of household appliances

Oven + microwave as a single unit - this is already being released. Corner wash and hemisphere - also small kitchens need. A burner and one would be enough when a toaster is on the shelf, coffee machine.

Household appliances in a small kitchen


100 w to 5 m2 - enough light. It will be added from the hood. But we are talking about comfort, that you can draw with light. Under the lockers is the backlight on the desktop. More details ...

Small kitchen lighting


From the living room

Combining a small kitchen with a living room
Beware that the association does not resemble the dining room dispenser, we think about a way to merge. The best solutions are when the table, like a barrier, divides the space. Zones are combined, but their functionality is still different. More details ...

With a balcony

Combining a small kitchen with a balcony
No one will give communication to the balcony. One thing remains - the dining area by the windows. But a round gap instead of balcony doors is quite feasible. What style of arch - Feng Shui, Maltese, Arabic, different - everyone decides for himself. The end of the bearing wall of the breach must be reliably strengthened. More details ...

Storage systems

A chest, a basket with a lid - still living, folklore. But the thickness of the wall could hold 20-30 cm of shelves. We remove the wall, and approaches to the new cabinet from the end of the left area. More considered here…

Modern storage systems in a small kitchen

I mask a niche with a shutter door, decorating the facades as on a furniture set - the move is not new, but still relevant. Because hidden mess is already order.

A photo

Bar counter in a small kitchen
Corner table in a small kitchen
Table in a small kitchen
Design of a small kitchen 6 meters
Small kitchen design photo 6 sq.
Floor of a small kitchen
Fresh flowers in a small kitchen
Glass worktop in a small kitchen
Small kitchen 6 sq m design photo
Built-in fridge in a small kitchen
Small kitchen 6 sq m design photo
The ceiling of a small kitchen
Classic style small kitchen
Modern style small kitchen
Built-in fridge in a small kitchen
Sliding table in a small kitchen
Oval table in a small kitchen
L-shaped furnishings of a small kitchen
Small kitchen table with serving
The distance between the table and the furniture in the small kitchen
Semicircular sliding table in a small kitchen
Round table and chairs in a small kitchen
Small kitchen 6 sq m design photo
Small table in a white kitchen
L-shaped furnishings of a small kitchen
Bar counter in a small kitchen
Cozy arrangement of a small kitchen
Proper arrangement of a small kitchen
Built-in appliances in a small kitchen
small kitchen after repair
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen
Modern design of a small kitchen


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