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If you are the owner of a dishwasher, then it is worth taking seriously the selection of any cleaning and detergents. This is important so that your equipment lasts for a long time and without breakdowns. Dishwasher salt is also included. It is it that does not allow scale to form on equipment, the replacement of which is an expensive service. In this article, we will take a closer look at the problem of choosing salt for PMM and answer the most common questions.
Salt composition for dishwashers
Dishwasher salt is 99% sodium chloride. “But this is the same as ordinary table salt, which is several times cheaper!” You say. You can agree with this statement, however, special salt has several advantages:
- Comfort. A special tool is presented in the form of small granules that do not stick together. Thus, the problem of the formation of “lumps” disappears, and the maintenance of the dishwasher is greatly simplified.
- Security. In the chemical composition for PMM, there are no extra particles, grains of sand and small stones that affect the operation of the device.
- Health. The composition of this tool often includes antibacterial additives. This makes the use of household appliances even more hygienic.
Why salt in the dishwasher
The problem of any modern city is hard water. This term means exceeding the permissible level of acid salts. In hard water, soap foams very poorly. In addition, when heated, hard water can scale on machine parts.
Why salt is needed in the dishwasher - the answer is simple. The fact is that hard water is purified thanks to sodium ions. And they, in turn, are replenished only with the help of a regenerating salt. In the PMM there is a so-called ion exchanger - a reservoir with resin in the form of granules (balls). And they already contain sodium ions. These ions trap acid salts of magnesium and calcium when filtering hard water. But sodium ions “wash out” over time. It is possible to replenish their supply with the help of salt for PMM. Thus, it performs a regenerative function.
What if the water in the region is not too hard? A certain percentage of metal impurities is still present in it. If you do not use regenerating salt, despite the fact that the formation of scale will not be too fast, in the end, after some time, the consequences will be felt.
What happens to dishwasher salt
The regenerating salt for dishwashers is mainly of two types: granular and tableted. Granular is a lot of small small particles. Tableted salt for the dishwasher comes in the form of large tablets. But do not confuse it with 3-in-1 tablets. The latter include both sodium chloride and a rinse aid and dishwashing detergent. They must be placed directly in the department with dirty dishes. The manufacturer of 3-in-1 tablets states that when using such products, an additional descaling agent is not required. However, in regions with increased water hardness, we still recommend using regenerating salt with 3-in-1 tablets. The main difference between salt and granulated tablets is ease of use and ease of dosage.
Where and how much to pour salt into the dishwasher
How to pour salt into the dishwasher: before using the device, you must study the instructions for the device, where everything is described in detail. However, in many cases, the salt compartment is located at the bottom of the dishwasher. If you are using a granular version of the product, it is advisable to resort to the help of a funnel so as not to spill anything.
As for the required quantity, it is difficult to answer unambiguously, since it is individual. The harder the water, the greater the amount of funds required. In addition, the hardness of the water depends on the season, weather conditions, region of residence. Accordingly, the amount of chemistry used will also vary. Some dishwasher models even have a hardness indicator. Salt must be poured to the top of the compartment. It is better to follow the instructions, but as a rule, many models of dishwashers contain about 1 kg of substance.
Manufacturers rating
Since the modern market is represented by a huge assortment of different salt producers for PMM, all aspects must be taken into account when choosing. This is the ratio “price-quality”, and the rating of manufacturers, as well as the pros and cons of each of them. What salt to use for the dishwasher - you decide. Below is a description of the most popular brands, as well as their main characteristics.
- Finish Calgonit. A highly recommended and sought-after brand. It does not contain phosphates. A volume of 1.5 kg is enough for about 25 cycles. It perfectly softens water and protects against limescale. The price in Moscow for 1.5 kg starts from 190 rubles. Production Poland and Germany. You can buy this brand in almost any store with household chemicals.
- Filtero Coarse salt, sold in the form of granules, and in the form of tablets. It has an anticorrosive effect. The price in Moscow for 1 kg is from 140 rubles. Production Russia.
- Somat. Henkel factory production. The basis of the composition is sodium chloride. Cleans water from salt impurities and protects the details of the dishwasher. The price in Moscow is from 120 rubles per 1.5 kg.
Toperr. Protects the machine from scale and has an antibacterial effect. The disadvantages include the uneconomical use of funds. Production Turkey. Price in Moscow from 150 rubles.
Sodasan. Positions itself as an organic regenerating salt. Users note a high price: 400 rubles per 2 kg.
Top house. Salt is presented in the form of large crystals, which are very economically consumed and have a high degree of purification. Production Belgium. Price - 250 rubles per 1.5 kg.
Bravix Relatively inexpensive salt: from 100 rubles per 2 kg. Buyers note that the properties of this salt do not differ from more expensive analogues. Production Germany.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the life of your equipment depends on you and on your attitude to it. That is why it is worth paying more attention to the issue of servicing the device, carefully choosing chemical agents so that it can please you with its good work longer.
Video: how to improve dishwasher performance
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