Weeding, the use of herbicides and mulching - modern ways to control weeds in the garden

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The damage caused to the garden of weeds is known to everyone who engages in farming. They take away vegetables, berries and spicy greens, garnished with vegetable gardening: water, important nutrients and sunlight. In addition, weeds often become a haven for a variety of pests, microorganisms and diseases. For example, a wild onion can become a carrier of viral diseases, which are dangerous for onions, and quinoa promotes the spread of such a dangerous disease as phytophthora. How to reduce the damage caused by weeds? How to deal with weeds on the site? Are there secrets of seasoned truck farmers helping to cope with the scourge?

Methods of combating weeds in the garden

  1. Mechanical - weeding the garden, beds and rows between the trowel or cultivator;
  2. use of herbicides;
  3. mulching.


Important! Never feed animals removed from the garden with weeds, because the seeds of some weeds are very tenacious and are able to germinate even after they are eaten by cattle, passing through the digestive tract and leaving the food life activity.

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The best results are obtained by weeding, carried out after rain or watering. It is due to the fact that it is much easier to remove weeds from the wet ground without damaging the cultivated plants.

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There are several basic rules for effective weeding:

  • The depth of mechanical tillage in the control of weeds in the garden depends on the location of the basal cervix (ground or underground) and the shape of the weed root system. For example, plants with roots that go to great depths, such as a swine, convolvulus, horse sorrel, plantain is recommended to excavate from the root, this procedure is performed using a shovel or manual a scoundrel. The grass growing on the ground, as a rule, has branched, shallow-lying roots, they can be removed by deepening the chopper into the soil for 2-3 cm.
  • All cut and dug weeds must be immediately removed from the vegetable garden. some of them, are able to once again take root - the portolac of the garden, the stellate, and others.
  • The fight against weeds in the garden should be conducted systematically and regularly, and not occasionally.
  • Not only the beds, but also the plots near the hedges, paths and agricultural buildings should be padded.
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How to deal with weeds on the site using herbicides?

Advice! Before processing, check with the lunar calendar. Sprayed on the aboveground part of the plant preparations, it is better to apply on the waning moon. At this time, the juice of the plant moves from top to bottom, from the leaves to the roots, which contributes to the best distribution of the product.

Herbicides are universal, highly effective chemicals used to kill weeds. Today, manufacturers offer a variety of tools with different properties and method of application.

  • Roundup.
    A common drug of continuous action, a systemic herbicide. It affects young shoots and leaves, has weak soil activity.
  • Tornado.
    A drug with a wide spectrum of action. It heals the above-ground part of the plant, then gets through the stems and leaves, it spreads and gets into the root system, while the weed dies entirely. Treatment with this drug gives excellent results for fighting even with such malicious aggressors as wheat grass, piggish, convolvulus, reed.
  • Hurricane Forte.
    Post-emergence, nonselective herbicide. It is used for continuous eradication of perennial and annual weeds.
  • Glyphos.
    An aqueous solution, the main component of which is glyphosate. It blocks the synthesis of amino acids in the plant, thus preventing it from developing.
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A simple and effective way to control weeds in the garden, this method allows for minimum physical costs not only to restrain the growth of unwanted plants, but also to significantly improve the land, and also to preserve moisture.

Means for mulching:

  • covering - various films (lutrasil, polyethylene) and non-woven materials;
  • crushed bark;
  • cardboard, topped with peat, humus, or unfloured grass grass.

Important! The mulching film should not let light pass otherwise the weedy grass under it will feel wonderful, as in a greenhouse.

Operating principle

The selected type of mulch is distributed over the plot, preventing the passage of sunlight to the soil. In film and non-woven coatings, for cultural plants, cross-shaped slits are left. Thus, even perennial, with a powerful root system, weedy grasses are gradually destroyed.


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