Types and grades of clearing for refined landscaping of the suburban area

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Fans of greenery often use in their flower gardens different types and varieties of purification. This modest succulent is sometimes called sedum, which in Latin means "to subside" or "sit." In ancient times, some plant species used folk healers as a means to relieve pain symptoms. And to this day, its leaves are applied to burns or cuts.

The ability of various species and varieties of cleaning to adhere tightly to any stony surface makes it possible to widely apply the plant to form suburban landscapes. Despite its eastern origin, the purification miraculously takes root in the territory of Europe, giving its admirer a chic bouquet of flowers. His homeland is Japan, Korea and China. There it is found in the wild on meadows near water bodies, stony slopes and forest edges. This pretty succulent plant is grown almost all over the world, decorating its country estates.

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A special advantage of the flower is simple reproduction (cuttings, sprouts) and survival on any soil, even poor in minerals.

Types and varieties of cleaning eyes of gardeners

A few years ago it was believed that there are at least about 500 different kinds of sedum. But thanks to the unpretentiousness of this plant, there are all the new variants that decorate the country landscapes. Consider the most popular species and varieties of purification, which amaze with their elegance and modest beauty.


The plant is a perennial succulent of evergreen nature. It is used as a ground cover element of landscape design. It has short (about 6 cm) shoots, which are strewn with narrow needle-shaped leaves. Most often they are painted in a blue-gray color. Interestingly, the basal leaf platinum has a slightly reddish hue.

Purification Lydia blooms in the last decade of June. On it appear miniature white-pink buds on short pedicels. Often, they are not very many, but the plant looks effectively against the background of other garden plants. He is planted near the sidewalks; As a background plant on the Alpine hills and an unsurpassed live carpet in the suburban area.

Because this blue cleaning does not tolerate drought, it can not be grown in small containers or in too sunny places.


In the natural environment, the plant is found on the territory of Russia, North Africa, Western Europe and the Caucasus. Its name was given to the exquisite color of fragrant buds. They rise above the green in the form of paniculate inflorescences.

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Purification White is considered to be a perennial plant, forming earthy mats about 8 cm high. It is often planted along garden paths or next to tall trees. Gardeners grow different grades of sedum to beautify the flower beds. We note only a few popular options:

  • Coral Carpet;
  • Hillebrandti;
  • Faro Forum.

If such a sedum is grown in the penumbra, its leaves will be painted in a dark green color. In open areas they acquire a reddish shade. It is for this plant is widely used for the formation of alpine hills and low flower beds.


This perennial evergreen plant forms wonderful living mats about 15 cm high. It perfectly tolerates winter cold and frost. Cleansing Hybrid blooms in early August with bright yellow buds, towering over the rug by about 25 cm. The variety is not afraid of dry periods, so it never loses its pristine freshness and beauty.

The original property of the plant - a long stand in a container of water, allows you to decorate and living space with stylish green rugs.


Sedum (clearing) of this species was named at the place of its growth in the natural environment. Huge thick thickets of succulent cover stony rocks and spacious glades of the Caucasus. Despite extreme conditions, the plant has erect shoots, covered with a lot of foliage of this color:

  • dark green;
  • reddish;
  • purple.
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Purified Caucasian blossoms at the end of August with star-studded white buds. For a month and a half you can admire this nice rug on the flower bed.

Given the peculiarity of the species, it is desirable to grow the leaves together with other plants, during the flowering period. This will help to hide the bare shoots.


According to the nature of the growth, the species resembles not a living green mat, but an accumulation of bushes that grow on their own. The height of each of them can reach about 40 cm. Its dense leaf plates are painted in a gently green color. Sometimes it has a bluish tide, which looks wonderful on the flowerbed.

When the plant blooms, soft buds appear on it on high pedicels. That's why the pink cleansing of Evers is planted on stony alpine hills, rockeries or next to the curbs.


The plant is characterized by a special ability for permanent changes:

  • form and color of sheet plates;
  • periods of flowering;
  • duration of growth on one plot of land.

Pictured in the photo, the Spanish sedum is widely used as a ground cover element of landscape design. Its height, on average, reaches 10 cm. On the upright shoots there are miniature greyish-green or reddish leaves.

If you cultivate the cleansing on fertile soil, the leaf plates become saturated green.

The first buds appear in the middle of summer. In Russia, the sedum dies right after flowering. Despite this, the seeds of the plant have time to re-germinate in the early autumn.

False blush

Considering the photo with the names of varieties and species of clearing, many gardeners are surprised by their unusual variety. These lovely succulents form living mats on the backyards of country houses. A special place is occupied by a low plant with saturated green leaves, which when painted in the first frosts are painted bronze or reddish. It is his many with love called sedum False blush.

When in the beginning of summer on a living carpet buds appear, it causes an unprecedented delight. They can be of different colors, namely:

  • snow-white;
  • cream;
  • crimson;
  • scarlet;
  • dark red.
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In addition, there are many varieties of False sedum. Here are some of them:

  • Erd Blyut;
  • Bronze Carpet;
  • Rosea.

Lush flowering purification continues until August, without losing its attractiveness. The plant feels comfortable in open sunny areas. Some growers grow it in spacious containers.

Pink Foam

This variety appeared relatively recently and is considered an abundantly flowering carpet plant. In July, when the summer is at its height, the sedum Pink foam is covered with many bright buds. They resemble a magnificent foam, for which they received their name. During this period, there is practically no greenery, only gentle pink flowers around it, which blend harmoniously with other plants of the landscape.


When growing this ground cover plant, it should be borne in mind that it does not tolerate drought. It should be regularly watered and found for him a shaded part of the garden. As a result, the flower buds will be covered with yellow buds until the end of August, turning into a magnificent live carpet. The most common varieties of Kamchatka are:

  • Weihenstephaner Gold (has greenish-yellow inflorescences);
  • Golden Carpet (bright yellow buds);
  • Color variegated (foliage with a creamy frame).

Sedum Kamchatsky does not tolerate an open area where there is plenty of sunshine. Because of this, its toothed sheet plates are painted in red, which adversely affects the decorativeness of the plant.


Yellow Cleansing Corrosive is found in various parts of the world. Siberia, Canada, the Caucasus and Europe can rightfully be called his homeland. The plant is characterized by rounded shoots with many tender branches covered with fleshy foliage. The plates are arranged alternately, which gives the cleaning a stylish appearance. They remain on the plant even in winter, so the flower bed or alpine slide does not lose its attractiveness all year round. During the flowering period, the purification is covered with numerous bright-colored buds. Truly, a bright sight in the flowerbed!

Cleansing and varieties - video

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