Prevention of leaf peach curls


Peach is a plant from the family of stone fruit. The peach tree lays new deciduous buds for the second year after planting the two-year-old seedling in the open ground. It is during the formation of new vegetative buds that the peach is most prone to leaf curl. This fungal disease affects not only the leaves of the tree, but also young shoots, on which the peach is laying fruit buds for the next year.

At the first stage of the development of fungal disease, the leaves of the tree begin to bubble, and then turn, turn yellow and fall off. In the later stages - curly affects the young peach shoots. Fungal spores spread on young branches under the bark of a tree. Affected branches swell, and their leafy buds are killed.

It is very difficult to combat the curly leaves of a peach. Therefore, early in the spring, it is necessary to begin prophylaxis of this fungal disease.

Preventive peach pruning

In the middle of March, when the buds of the tree have not yet woken up, it is necessary to conduct preventive pruning of the crown. The causative agents of peach leaf curls and spores of this fungal disease accumulate in young leafy bud buds. Therefore, in order to protect the tree from leaf curl, you need:

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  • remove three or four extreme buds, cutting each branch by 8-10 cm;
  • Cutting should be done as quickly as possible, before the vegetative buds are dissolved.
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Since the peach grows very quickly green mass, the tree will recover after pruning by the beginning of summer. Preventive pruning will help minimize the effects of the curly leaves of the peach, but the risk of infection with this fungal disease persists to the stage of a pink bud. Kurchavost can appear during the flowering period.

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Treatment during flowering

During flowering, watering and wet fungicides should not be done on the leaf or under the root, as the peach can lose color due to excess moisture. If you find the first signs of curliness a week before flowering or at the stage of a pink bud, carefully inspect the tree. Remove all yellowed, bubbling leaves and burn them. In the compost pile, such leaves can not be added.

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If the infected leaves are many and the fungal disease has already spread to the young peach shoots, dilute the Bordeaux mixture in 8 liters of water and add 30 g of the "30B" preparation. After some time, the mixture will thicken to the state of resin, and it will be possible to process the tree.

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