The microwave is cracking: possible reasons why the microwave is cracking and sparkling inside; how to fix them

Microwave OperationHousehold appliances, especially kitchen appliances, greatly facilitate a person’s life. A microwave oven allows you to heat food in a matter of moments, and has many more functions related to cooking. But frequent and incorrect use leads to the failure of the device. Frequent damage is caused by cod and sparks inside the oven. Let’s figure out what to do when the microwave is cracking and sparkling when turned on.

Why is the microwave cracking

The content of the article

  • Why is the microwave cracking
    • The most common causes when a microwave pops and sparkles
  • How to repair a microwave yourself
  • Where to go if the microwave is cracking
  • Prevention so that the microwave does not spark

The crackle coming from a household appliance will scare anyone. After all, the equipment, as a rule, works from electricity and a sudden breakdown can trigger a fire. Or a person may get burned by touching a working device.

Important! When the microwave pops and shoots, it must immediately be disconnected from the network.

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In addition to the crackling sound, the microwave can make a knock or buzz - this is also a sign of damage. The appearance of sparks inside accompanying sound is a dangerous manifestation of a malfunction, which must be immediately eliminated. Most often, the cause is internal damage, sometimes due to improper use of the device.

The most common causes when a microwave pops and sparkles

The microwave pops and sparklesThere are 4 main causes of a microwave breakdown causing a similar sound:

  • a malfunction of the microwave itself - the mica plate burns out or the cupler burns out (the part on which the plate rotates);
  • damage to the enamel coating;
  • non-compliance with the rules of use: for example, put improper dishes (do not heat metal containers), or turn on the equipment empty;
  • overheating at low load - numerous rays are reflected from the walls, while warming the space, not the food.

Most cases are caused by a burnt mica plate., since it is this detail that fails over time. It protects the main unit of the microwave oven - the magnetron.

Reference: magnetron - an electric device that generates microwaves.

Mica plate is a dielectric that protects the "heart" of the microwave from pollution: grease, dirt and steam. Passing the rays from the inside, the plate does not allow them to return, and collects all the accumulating dirt. It is fat that causes mica burnout - when heated by reflected rays, it heats the surface of the plate. Crackles and sparks appear.

Burnt mica plateCharacteristic for this reason is that the plate burns out in several places at once. If you do not monitor the cleanliness of the microwave, you will have to change at least this part, and at the very least - update household appliances. A spark on a magnetron will immediately disable the device.

A similar problem occurs with the cooper - This is a plastic part located under a spinning plate. Many people see it only once - when they install the tray. Dirt and grease also accumulate on the cupler, which is heated by reflected rays and the plastic begins to melt. It is quite simple to determine such a breakdown: a characteristic smell of scorched plastic will appear.

Enamel damage. The main body of the microwave oven consists of metal coated with enamel. Defects may appear from mechanical stress and prolonged use. A special enamel is used, which steadily transfers the effect of rays and reflects them, therefore it does not crack from overheating. The situation is different when, through defects, the rays fall on the metal case - then an electric arc forms, and the microwave begins to sparkle.

How to repair a microwave yourself

Do-it-yourself microwave repairMost parts can indeed be replaced on their own, as external signs of damage will be apparent. However, it is recommended to contact a specialized service if the cause is not visible or after correction the oven continues to make a sound.

It is very simple to remove a burned-out plate from mica. Brown, burnt spots on it will obviously indicate the cause of the breakdown:

  1. The first thing to do is to de-energize the furnace - disconnect it from the mains.
  2. Check the mica (located in the upper corner on the right wall of the inner chamber). If it is burnt out, then remove it.
  3. Buy a new similar plate (sizes may vary depending on models), and replace.
  4. Turn on the microwave to check serviceability.

However, it happens that burnt mica transmits rays to the main node of the microwave. Magnetron is not only the most expensive part, but it is impossible to replace it without the help of professionals.

A similar repair is subject to the courier - acquire the desired diameter, replace the melted part and check the operation of the microwave oven.

Enamel damage can be of various kinds. With a small defect (the paint has peeled off or peeled off), you can take independent measures. So, scratches or chips can be painted over with special paint. But, if more serious damage is observed, the damage must be entrusted to professionals.

Where to go if the microwave is cracking

Where to go when cracking a microwaveShould contact service centresconducting diagnostics and repair of microwave ovens. The cause of the breakdown, expressed in a bang, can be in the internal contents - a burnt out node, a wire break or corny in the disconnected contacts. The wizard will determine the breakdown and give the exact price for the diagnosis.

If the equipment is new, then you can contact warranty center. They will prompt the reason and replace the stove or tell where to go to repair it. Often, centers provide such services on their own.

Prevention so that the microwave does not spark

Everyone wants the equipment to work as long as possible, since repairs or upgrades are often expensive. That is why it is necessary to pay attention to cleaning and observe some rules:

  1. Wash the inner chamber regularly from grease, but it is not recommended to use harsh cleaners - they can damage the enamel.
  2. Do not turn on the oven empty.
  3. Do not use metal utensils.
  4. Do not load the camera to the eyeballs.
  5. Cover the plates with a special plastic cap.

Microwave cleaning It is also necessary to regularly clean all the additional equipment: a glass plate, grill or skewer for grill, grill for two-level heating and a plastic cap.

Regular maintenance and compliance with the rules of use will significantly increase the life of the product. Use the microwave oven only for its intended purpose, then it will work properly for many years.

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