Tomato varieties for greenhouses

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The production of a tomato in greenhouse conditions allows to harvest fruits practically throughout the year in different regions of Russia. This is especially true in regions with a short summer period, such as the Urals and Siberia. The construction of these structures and their content is associated with high costs, so it is necessary to apply the best tomato varieties for greenhouses. Read the same article: when planting tomato seedlings?

Features of greenhouse varieties of tomatoes

To determine which tomatoes to plant in a greenhouse, you need to know their basic characteristics. It is desirable to select greenhouse tomatoes, the varieties of which should have such properties:

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  • Transferring varying temperature conditions. Under the cover, the temperature jumps are rather sharp. In the daytime, the closed greenhouse is very hot, the temperature can rise to a critical for the plants. At night without additional heating the greenhouse quickly cools down, the temperature drops, creating stress for tomatoes. Not every variety can tie fruit in such conditions.
  • Intensive crop formation. In the summer, the greenhouse remains open 24 hours a day, as the temperature of the environment becomes favorable for the growth of tomatoes. With the current of air in the greenhouse gets spores of pathogenic fungi, which can affect plants. Harvest should be formed before the onset of disease.
  • Rapid return of early harvest. The products received at the beginning of the season are in high demand and have a higher price. Early-ripening varieties allow you to enjoy delicious tomato fruits as early as 3 months after sprouting. They prefer early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses.
  • Good transportability and commercial quality of fruits. The grown tomatoes must have a dense skin, which allows them to be transported over long distances. In the remote northern regions, the price of early production is much higher than at the place of cultivation.
  • Increased yield. The resulting harvest from the variety involves the return of the costs invested in its cultivation and the receipt of additional income.
  • Immunity to many tomato infections.If the variety has disease resistance genes, then infection does not occur by infection. They prefer those varieties that have several such genes.
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Tomatoes are distinguished by a wide variety of varieties and hybrids. It is very difficult to choose which tomatoes to plant in the greenhouse. The description of the best of them for different directions of use is offered.

The best varieties of tomato for greenhouses

Hybrid Beautiful Lady F1is considered one of the best tomatoes for Siberia in the greenhouse. This is a domestic modern variety, created by the firm "Ilinichna". It combines resistance to stress. The early harvest ripens. Collection of the first tomatoes is possible in 95 days after the emergence. The initial brush is formed over 7-8 leaves, and they alternate every 1-2 sheets. Tomato must be made single-stem. Density of sitting 3 tomatoes per square. m. The brush forms up to 7 lined fruits weighing about 120 g, the flesh of which is very tasty. The genus includes genes that allow not to be affected by a number of dangerous diseases: viral, fusarium fusarium and kladosporium. The harvest from one bush can be over, kilogram.

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Hybrid F1 of Kostroma, obtained by the firm "Gavrish is often used in recommendations as the best tomato for the Urals in the greenhouse due to a combination of a set of necessary parameters. It has high adaptability to changing conditions in greenhouses. The first crop ripens on 106-109 days from sprouting. It forms flat-round fruit weighing up to 140 g. The genus includes genes that allow the plant not to be infected with a large number of diseases, including those caused by fungi of the genus Fusarium and kladosporium, TMV. One plant can give more, a kilogram of fruit.

If you need sweet sorts of tomatoes for a greenhouse, then an obvious leader among them is a hybridTitanic F1. Obtained by the domestic company "Ilinichna it stands out among the others by a combination of large fruits up to 200 g with excellent taste qualities. The first fruits can be harvested 113 days after sprouting. Well formed ovaries in adverse greenhouse conditions. Poorly forms stepchildren, which reduces the amount of work to care for plants. Greenhouse tomatoes of the Titanic variety accumulate a record amount of sugar (6% or more), having an attractive red color of the peel with a pinkish tinge. Plants possess genes that allow not to be infected with viral diseases, spores of fusarium fusarium and cladosporium. In addition, the variety tolerates infection with root nematodes, without reducing yields.


New varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Hybrid Kohava F1surpasses many early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses. It has an indeterminate type of bush, it possesses ultra-rashness, forming ripened fruit on 85-90 days from the formation of shoots. Rounded fruits up to 180 g are pink and have a dense skin. Yield in an extended culture can be 30 kilograms per square meter. m. The variety is immune to viral infections that cause bronzes and yellow leaf twisting, fungal spores of the fusarium and cladosporium, and also to root nematodes.

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Hybrid F1 Bersolabelongs to the group of stunted tomatoes for greenhouses. Has a determinant plant with a thick bookmark of the inflorescence. Rapidly pours fruit, 90 days after the emergence of the shoots begin to ripen fruits about 100-150 g in size. It is distinguished by immunity to many common greenhouse diseases, the formation of ovaries in unfavorable growing conditions. Fruits have dense structure and are resistant to mechanical influences, therefore can be transported on long distances without loss of quality. Productivity reaches more, kilogram from one square meter.

F1 F1 Hybrid- a new variety of tomatoes for greenhouses, created by the agrofirm "Ilinichna". It is characterized by precocity (tomatoes ripen to 100 days from seedling formation) and the main crop is unified. Characterized by a thickened bookmark of fruit-bearing brushes. The initial 3 fruit brushes are laid every one or two leaves, and the remaining brushes are opposite to the leaf. Planting 3 tomatoes per square. m, they are formed single-stem. They can be grown without pasynkovaniya. A simple type of brush branching is laid up to 9 red round-shaped tomatoes with a mass of over 100 grams. The pulp has a harmoniously combined sweet and sour taste. The hybrid includes genes that make it possible not to become infected with tomato virus infections, not to be affected by fungi of the genus Cladosporium and Fusarium, the pest of the nematode. On one tomato ripens over, a kilogram of fruit.

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General principles of growing a tomato in a greenhouse - video

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