Kristalon fertilizer - application for tomatoes

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I have been growing tomatoes for sale for several years. Recently I heard about Crystal Crystal, that it contributes to obtaining stronger seedlings and a bountiful harvest. Tell me how to use fertilizer Crystal for tomatoes.

Crystal is a crystalline powder and is a complex mineral fertilizer. Fertilizer is used for foliar and root dressings of garden and horticultural crops, as well as indoor plants. Crystal has proven itself in growing tomatoes. Due to the chelated form of the drug, it dissolves quickly and is well absorbed by cultures.

Results of processing tomatoes with Criston

Fertilizer consists of a complex of micro- and macroelements that are necessary for plants at different stages of development. As a result of foliar and deciduous processing by Crystalon:

  1. The yield increases.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Improved fruit quality.
  4. Increases resistance to infectious and fungal diseases.
  5. Cultures more easily tolerate abrupt changes in weather conditions such as drought and sharp temperature fluctuations.
  6. Balancing the composition of the soil in which tomatoes are grown.
  7. Stimulated development of the root system and green mass.
  8. The general growth of tomato seedlings is accelerating.

Crystal in its composition is absolutely safe for humans and cultivated plants and does not contain chlorine.

Methods of using

The Kristalon fertilizer can be of several types depending on its purpose. For feeding tomatoes it is recommended to use Crystal:

  • green( special);
  • brown;
  • red;
  • universal.
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Fertilizer works well both in the open field and in the greenhouse growing tomatoes. If alkaline soil is used, yellow Crystal is used to optimize its composition.

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The methods of using Crystal fertilizer for tomatoes depend on the specific option that is used. So, for feeding the seedlings, foliar dressing is done with a solution based on Crystal Special( green) at the rate of 1-1.5 g per liter of water.

The water for the solution should have a temperature not lower than 10 degrees. The finished solution should be used within 6 hours.

After the seedlings have been planted in open ground, they are treated with yellow Crystalone. This contributes to better rooting and active development of the root system of tomatoes. To prepare a solution of 1 g of the drug is added to each liter of water and water the seedlings for the first four weeks after transplantation.

Crystal species can be mixed with each other or with other drugs, but cannot be combined with substances containing metals( copper, aluminum, etc.).

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In the second half of the growing season, to increase the yield of tomatoes and saturate them with potassium, root dressings with Crystalon brown and red are performed. The consumption rate of the drug is not more than 2 g per liter of water.

Fertilizer Crystal from Fertic - video

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