Wardrobe with a TV in the middle: the advantages of design, photos

Wardrobe with a TV in the middleWardrobe with a TV capable to save space in the house. The design is well fit into the interior of even a small room.

What are the closets in the middle of a TV

The content of the article

  • What are the closets in the middle of a TV
  • Benefits-compartment cabinet with a niche for the TV
  • How to choose a wardrobe with a TV in the middle

The most common types of structures:

  1. Built. Goodies - take up little space and very roomy. Disadvantages - poor mobility, it is very difficult to move the structure in the process of moving.
  2. Hull. They can be moved as a wall-mounted base in them. Side of the doors are designed with storage space. In the center is a monitor, and above it shelves.

Also, there are different models of such structures. Among them:

  1. On the shelf, situated in the middle. In such models, the device is mounted in the cabinet. Below that is a bedside table, and a shelf above it (can be both open and closed). The side parts are made up of compartments with doors. Inside they store household items.
  2. instagram viewer
  3. With half-mounted monitor. Very convenient model which allows to combine the space. The device will be hanging on the wall, and it is convenient to watch. Location cabinets and shelves is the same as in the first model.
  4. Angular. Appearance is unusual and elegant. The monitor is located next to the wardrobe. From the latter you can make a big wardrobe. A side where the device is decorated with shelves on which the articles put decoration.
  5. Closed niche. And shelves can close the doors, as does the cabinet. Unfold it when needed TV.
Wardrobe with a TV in the middle

Benefits-compartment cabinet with a niche for the TV

In wardrobe a lot of advantages. They are mounted into the wall, so do not take up space in the room. At the same time, the design can accommodate a lot of household items. Wardrobe with established niche for the TV has become very popular.

Attention! The popularity has been achieved thanks to a combination of technology and blocks the cabinet where you can store things.

design plus the following:

  1. Easy installation.
  2. Stylish appearance.
  3. It holds a lot of things.
  4. No need to buy a stand or bedside table for TV.
  5. The design is appropriate for the living room and bedroom.
  6. It is possible to choose the design of any size, shape and filling.
  7. The design is built into the wall and does not take much space.
  8. Well adapted for mounting TVs.
  9. Huge selection of models.
Wardrobe with a TV in the middle

How to choose a wardrobe with a TV in the middle

There is some expert advice to which you want to listen to choose a furniture correctly:

  1. It is necessary to choose which room will be such furniture (bedroom, living room). The next step - the choice of location is already in the room. It is necessary that the furniture is the right size. Therefore it is necessary to measure the wall. It is important that there is a combination with other furniture.
  2. You should not buy a small design. We need one that will be able to accommodate all the necessary things. Wardrobe expensive, so choose a quality product.
  3. Niche will make it wide. A door width should not be more than 100 cm, since their weight will cause breakage of mounts.
  4. You need to choose the most reliable materials. If it has a running system, you should not choose the wheels of plastic. They are quickly erased.
  5. There are objects scenery, which blends perfectly with the TV. For example, the metal in the wall or on the arms of the boxes.
Wardrobe with a TV in the middle

Such furniture looks original and able to decorate any interior, which is shown in the photo. But it needs to be properly selected.

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