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Gooseberries - a culture that has been cultivated in Russia since ancient times. The first written mention of this berry is found even in the chronicles of the XIV century, the weight of fruits reached 20 grams.
In Portugal, new varieties of berries were carried in the XVI century by Columbus from South America. Then gooseberries spread throughout Europe. Together with new varieties of gooseberries, the seafarer brought to Europe a new disease - "serotec" or "American powdery mildew". It also spread to the territory of Russia, destroying the varieties of Russian large-bodied gooseberries that are unstable to this disease.
All modern berries are descendants of American gooseberry, but even they are vulnerable to this disease.
American powdery mildew
Serotec is a disease that affects the leaves of gooseberry. It appears brownish spots, which then turn black, and the leaf withers. If the bush is running, then the disease can move and the fruits of gooseberry. Such a disease is very similar to apple scab. Only gooseberries are ill with American powdery mildew. But for several centuries the seroteca mutated into a false powdery mildew, which already affects many other plant species. Therefore, in order to preserve the yield of gooseberries, the bush must be treated with chemical preparations, such as "Topaz".
Topaz treatment
Processed gooseberries in early April, when the buds begin to swell. Topaz treatment is performed very carefully, in windless clear weather, not a single branch or a single flower bud is missed. Just as thoroughly sprayed and the base of the bush. The agent will act six hours after spraying, the duration of the action for the treatment of powdery mildew is three days. Prophylactic action of the drug lasts 7-8 days.
Operating principle
The drug is sold as a suspension or ampoules, so do not filter the solution. For 10 liters of water, you need to dissolve 9 ml of the suspension or one ampoule of the drug. "Topaz" absorbs into the leaves of gooseberries and kills spores of powdery mildew. Fungicide is effective at high temperatures, that is, under conditions favorable for the development of powdery mildew.
The second treatment with fungicide is performed after the flowering of gooseberries. Spray the shrub two to three days after the formation of the first ovary. If you do not have time to treat the plant a second time, then you can spray on green berries. Processing, in this case it is necessary to make not two, but three times - on green berries and for one and a half month before harvesting.