The main causes of stromal diseases

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Guest of tropical forests - a capricious plant. As a result of improper care, various diseases of the stromans occur, which, first of all, affect the leaves. It is important to notice in time the change in their appearance and take appropriate measures to preserve the flower. Providing the necessary growing conditions will help reduce the risk of being affected by its diseases and pests.

How to grow a healthy plant

Stromanta is popular with lovers of homemade exotic because of the unusual, graceful leaves. They have a pleasant green color, on the background of which there are bright stripes or spots. Even from the inside, the leaves look very attractive due to the purple-violet hue. Knowledge of the botanical features of the stromancy will help grow a healthy and beautiful plant.

In order for the flower to enjoy its beauty for a long time, it is necessary to maintain conditions resembling tropical rainforests.

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Growing in the wild under the dense crowns of trees, the stromant prefers diffused lighting. The best location of the flower will be a place in the depth of the room. Poor tolerates dry air plant, temperature drops, drafts. In winter, it is necessary to protect the root system from overcooling by placing the pot away from the window. An important condition for the maintenance of Stromantics is compliance with the rules of watering. In summer, it is necessary to moisten the soil abundantly with settled water every 3 days. In winter, the amount of watering is reduced to once a week.

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Stromant disease

Even with a minor violation of the rules of maintenance, a plant can lose its beauty. To return him a healthy look can be very difficult. The attentive owner of the flower will notice the changes in time and will try to review the conditions of detention.

The following symptoms are indicative of the appearance of disease by the stromanthus:

  1. The leaves of the plant wither, the stem rots. The reason - high humidity in combination with low temperature. Humidity is recommended to be left unchanged, and the temperature should be raised to the level of 25–28 ° C.
  2. Dry brown spots on the leaves of stromans. Their appearance is caused by two reasons - too large size of the flowerpot or inappropriate composition of the substrate. To remedy the situation, it is enough to transplant the plant into a smaller container and change the soil.
  3. The leaves fall, the stem withers. The problem occurs as a result of excessive watering. Especially in the case when water stagnates in the pan for a long time.
  4. The stromants dry the tips of the leaves when the air humidity is too low. For the recovery of the plant is required to carry out repeated spraying during the day with water using a spray bottle.
  5. Twisted leaves. This leads to a violation of the rules of watering. It is important to monitor the condition of the soil, not allowing it to dry. At the same time, it should not turn into liquid dirt.
  6. The leaves of the stromants turn yellow - the plant suffers from an excess of sunlight. It should be moved to a shaded place or protected from bright light.
  7. Slowed plant growth. The reasons for this may be several - bright sunlight, dry air. We can not exclude the defeat of stromal pests.

The faster measures are taken to change the conditions of Stromantia, the more likely it is to restore the state of the flower and preserve it.

Pest control

Insects can cause pathological changes in the leaves of a plant. They spread quickly enough, so it is important not to miss the moment of the appearance of pests.

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The main enemy for stromoids is often the red spider mite. You can detect it by the presence of light spots on the sheet and a thin spider web on the reverse side. After removing damaged leaves, the plant must be treated with soapy water. Liquid laundry soap dilute in water( 3 tablespoons per liter) and beat into a lush foam. Using a sponge, cover each sheet with it and leave for 5 hours. After that, wash the plant properly with warm water, covering the ground to protect it from soap. A week later, carefully inspect the plant. If there are signs of damage by its tick, it will have to be treated with a fungicide.

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The feeder on the stromante or its close relative a mealybug is detected by sticky clumps on the surface of the leaves. Pests feed on cell sap, sucking it out of the plant, as a result of which the leaves begin to dry and soon fall off. You can get rid of the scythes by using a soap solution, as is the case with the spider mite. Additionally, after processing, spray the plant with Actellic's solution.

With the ability to resist pests and diseases, the stromant can only be provided with complete care.

Video about the problems in growing stromans

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