Be sure to plant on the canned tomato plant varieties

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If the description of one or another type of tomato refers to its canning design, you need to clarify what the manufacturer implies. The fact that under conservation in this case is understood as traditional whole fruits, filled with fragrant marinade with herbs and spices, and delicious sauces, billets with slices of tomato and fruit in their own juice.

Mistresses know how difficult it is to lay beautiful beautiful fruits in a jar. And even if it succeeds, such tomatoes often burst either during pouring marinade, or when trying to get them to serve on the table. Therefore, for conservation of whole tomatoes or their segments, varieties with small-sized dense fruits should be chosen, in which the seed chambers are small, and the seeds themselves are small. Today, tomato varieties with long fruits in the form of pepper, cream or pear are popular. If we find varieties that bring fruits of different colors similar in mass and maturity, the home preparations will be pleased with both the taste and the rainbow shade enclosed in the jar.

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Varieties for preserving whole fruits

What sorts of today can be considered the best for canning? It is not easy to make a choice, because there are not one hundred or even a thousand varieties at the disposal of truck farmers. In order not to be mistaken, one should pay attention to whether this or that variety is cultivated for cultivation in a particular region, for maturation periods and for characteristics of fruits.

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The early yielding variety forms shrubs with a height of no more than 50 cm. Plants do not pasynkuyut, while they give ample abundant harvests. Red round fruits with a dense, non-cracking peel weigh from 100 to 130 grams, have excellent taste and are suitable both for the manufacture of household canned food, and for the production of juices, the production of vitamin salads.

The early maturation period makes it possible to use fruits for the assortment with ground cucumbers and other vegetables.


A variety of medium-term maturation with stunted, sturdy bushes and red cylindrical fruits. The weight of tomatoes is 40-80 grams. Their skin is dense, not cracking, the taste is rich, sweet. In addition to marinating, these tomatoes are good in sauces, juice and tomato paste, and are ideal for fresh consumption.


Among the early varieties suitable for canning, it is worth highlighting Valentine's tomatoes. The variety forms medium height shrubs, which are moderately stepchild and must be tied to the supports. Fruits in the form of elongated even cream are painted in red-orange tones, have a good sweet and sour taste and do not crack when mass ripening of tomatoes.

Weight of an average tomato is 80-100 grams. The flesh is dense, the seeds are small and they are rather small. The variety is not afraid of dry periods and fructifies very amicably.

These tomatoes are universal and equally good in salt, marinated or fresh.

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Lady fingers

Low, not requiring pasynkovaniya bushes of this early variety in the second half of summer are lined with elongated dense fruits of red and pink color. Tomatoes are formed on the site of racemose inflorescences. The weight of one fetus varies from 50 to 70 grams. The tomato has a pronounced sweet taste, and there are few seeds in the sugary pulp. Ideal fruits for all types of home canning, pickles and juicing, pastas and sauces.

The resistance of variety to the majority of diseases of garden culture contributes to a friendly return and abundance of the crop.

Group of varieties De Barao

Grades of medium late maturity are very popular with Russian summer residents. Indeterminate bushes can reach a height of 3 meters and require a mandatory garter. The fruits, depending on the variety, have a pink, dark red, crimson, black or yellow color. The form of tomatoes is correct, oval. The mass of tomatoes is 80-130 grams. Thick peel provides an excellent preservation of fruits in the marinade, and sweet flesh guarantees an excellent quality of canned food. Record shelf life of fruit taken from the bush.

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Balcony Wonder

For vegetable assortments, today's popular small cherry tomatoes are ideal. An example of an unpretentious with ultra short-term maturing of a tomato can be considered the Orth Balconious Miracle. Tomato is suitable for growing both in the open ground and in containers. With a bush height of 50 cm on it a mass of small, weighing up to 50 grams of rounded fruit is formed. Massively ripening sweet tomatoes are good in marinades and fresh salads.

Tomatoes for sauces and pastas

For the preparation of tomato sauces, snacks and pasta, it is better to choose varieties that form the most fleshy sweet fruits with a small number of small seeds. In fact, for these purposes, you can use salad tomatoes with thin skins and obviously good taste. The sweeter will be the tomatoes, the more rich will the taste of the product.

Undoubtedly, when choosing a variety, truck farmers pay attention to the protection of plants from diseases and pests, as well as the complexity of farming. Today, the account of worthy options is not even for hundreds, but for thousands.

Among the most famous are Bull's heart, Big Biff F1, Mikado, Wild Rose, Raspberry Giant, Pink Flamingo and many other species.

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