We cultivate salted tomato varieties at the cottage

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Ogorodniki amateurs and professionals engaged in growing tomatoes and their selection, argue that in the world there are several tens of thousands of varieties and hybrids, and work on new ones does not stop. Really among such variety it is not always possible to find tomatoes to liking and taste?

Today, the disposal of gardeners and farmers is the widest range of plants. Some reach a height of three meters, others rise above the ground only 40-50 cm. In addition to the traditionally red tomatoes, yellow, crimson and pink, black and even striped fruits ripen in the beds. There are tomatoes in weight, sugar, juiciness, skin thickness, yield and maturation.

For lovers of home-made pickles, it is important that the fruits, densely packed in cans or jars, are not deformed and do not burst at the time of cooking, or even during storage. This means that for salting choose the most dense, the same degree of ripeness and size of tomatoes. In addition, they should be sweet, otherwise the snack will not turn out so delicious and spicy, as the hostess would like.

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How to choose tomatoes for pickling?

How to distinguish a tomato from those that are better than others show themselves in the winter? The complexity of the choice is that from the moment the brine is poured to the full readiness of the fruit, a 1 month passes. And in the event of a mistake, the landlady simply will not have the opportunity again before winter comes.

Read also:Cherry Tomatoes - growing at home on the windowsill

How to find a tomato, according to the description of the variety, which is certainly suitable for pickling? Salty varieties of tomatoes can be recognized by the fruits:

  • medium size;
  • with a strong peel,
  • with a dense sweet flesh.

This guarantees an attractive look of snacks, uniform salting and good taste. Therefore, preference should be given to regionalized varieties and to take into account the characteristics given in the description of varieties.

Varieties of tomatoes for salting

Magnificent in salting tomatoes do not stand out in size, as salad, but aligned in size and shape. It is important that on the bush they mature on a mass scale.

Salted delicacy

This determinant grade of medium-term maturation can be grown both in greenhouses and in open beds. Shrubs of a meter high are moderately pasynkuyut. Fruits in the form of medium-sized, weighing about 100 grams, cream does not crack. Elongated cream, dense, smooth, in the stage of maturity of a rich red color, are distinguished by a beautiful bright red shade, excellent taste and a decent density of pulp.

Cheerful dwarf

The variety, which forms bushes only 40-50 m in height, refers to the medium-early. Dense plum fruit weighs 70 - 80 grams, in a ripe form they have an even red color. With mass fruiting, tomatoes do not crack and do not grow to the end of vegetation.

Read also:How to cook tomatoes in your own juice for the winter - popular recipes

Children's sweetness

Early maturing tomatoes are suitable not only for salting, but also for other types of preservation and fresh consumption. Shrubs are low, with a height of 70 cm. With moderate pasynkovanii in most regions can get a wonderful harvest. Fruits are not large, lined with red, weight from 50 to 70 grams.

Ladies' man

The harvest early variety is intended for growing, both in the open ground and in greenhouses. Large bushes are pamphoned and tied up. Tomatoes of elongated shape have excellent commercial qualities. They are attractive in appearance, aligned, distinguished by dense flesh and remarkable taste.

The weight of the fruit leaves 50-60 grams, which is convenient when using home-made pickles and provide adequate strength to the fruits when storing snacks.


Cylindrical tomatoes with a nose weigh from 100 to 150 grams, are distinguished by an interesting sour-sweet taste and a homogeneous, gentle consistency. The use of the variety for the preparation of domestic preparations provides the appetizers with an original look and decent quality.


The unpretentious, early harvest tomato hybrid is perfect for pickling, fresh consumption and the preparation of any canned food. On shrubs with height from 1 to, meters round, dense fruits are formed and matured massively. The weight of tomatoes of this variety is 80-90 grams.

Among the merits of the cultivar is resistance to widespread diseases of the crop, which reduce yields at the end of summer.

Summer resident

One of the earliest and friendly in fruit bearing tomatoes for greenhouses and open ground. The variety is unpretentious to growing conditions, it is distinguished by long fruit bearing and evenness of ripening fruits. Tomatoes are red, round, with a dense skin and pleasant sweet and sour taste of pulp. Fetal weight 100-150 grams.

In addition to pickles, can be used for cooking fresh salads, marinades and excellent sauces.

De Barao

Today this variety of tomatoes is familiar to most gardeners. Unobvious, tall and very productive plants form a multitude of oval fruit brushes weighing 70 to 90 grams. Breeders offer several varieties of De Barao.

Therefore, not only red tomatoes are available for pickling and canning, but also excellent fruits of yellow, black, pink and even striped color.

The height of the bush is 2 meter. Fruits are sweet, lean, not prone to cracking. Plants are resistant to many diseases of tomatoes.


There are a lot of salty varieties of tomato, and each of the gardeners has the right to choose those that grow better on its site and fell in love with his household. In addition to the varieties listed above, it should be noted varieties: Salty ground, Rookie, Mobil and Irishka, as well as hybrids Kaspar F1 and Ira F1, Cherry. Yes, cherry tomatoes perfectly show themselves not only in salads, but also in any kinds of canned food. The same applies to tomatoes of pepper form, among which are the variety Pink Icicle, Pepper and many others.

Read also:How to care for tomatoes in a greenhouse?

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