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Probably, many will agree that, how many flowers on the planet, as many fans as they do. Some people like roses, others like daisies, and light-loving coreopsis has won the sincere hearts of summer residents. When daffodils and tulips go into oblivion, bright lights of lovely flowers appear on the beds. It seems that the miniature particles of the sun have fallen from the sky, have successfully germinated to fascinate the good people. From the unearthly aroma of the inflorescences, the most kind feelings arise in the soul, and from pleasure you want to sing songs.
Growing on your site koreopsisa quite simple, because the plant is unpretentious in the care and easily multiplies. The flower grows successfully on the open ground, differs a variety of grades and decorates a front garden before the first frosts. Consider the basic rules of planting, care and popular types of flowers. Read the same about landing and care of the long-term primrose (photo).
Close acquaintance with the plant is the key to successful growing
Before you start on the dacha section koreopsisa, it would be wise to find out what these lovely flowers are. The name of the plant comes from the Greek words "bedbug" and "species which indicates the shape of the achene that resembles a tick. A flower is often used as food for special kinds of caterpillars. Some seeds feed on its seeds. But this does not prevent the flower from pleasing people with its bright lights. Pictured in the photo koreopsisy - a true confirmation of this fact.
For a season the plant can grow in height up to, meter. Some species reach only 40 cm. Outwardly they are thick bushes strewn with a lot of buds. Fruits are mostly flat-shaped. Some types of bugs or ticks are reminded. Cultivate the plant on garden plots or urban flower beds as a basic decoration. About 28 species of this flower are found on the American continent. Despite this, Coreopsis is in demand in Europe.
When you look from the side to the flower buds, they resemble field chamomiles. This is only at first glance. The original flower head is decorated on all sides with petals. Each of them is framed with a denticle, which gives it a noble appearance.
The leaf plates and the color of the petals depend on the plant variety:
- Coreopsis large-flowered is characterized by bright yellow petals of buds on high shoots;
- Coreopsis pink has small leaves, the yellow middle, which is crowned with gently pink petals;
- Coreopsis of the vertex is loved for its jagged leaf plates and thin buds that cover the plant abundantly.
Shown in the photo koreopsis, planting and leaving which does not require special skills, truly amazes with its beauty. There are several basic rules:
- sunny place;
- soil of medium fertility;
- moderate, but regular watering.
It is best that koreopsis grows on loose soil, so it should be reasonable to choose a site for planting a plant.
Dilute in the summer residence of long-term coreopsis in two ways:
- by sowing seeds;
- growing seedlings.
The main thing is to provide the plant with regular watering, enough light and air. As a result, most of the summer dacha site will be decorated with bright sun lights.
Simple ways to grow a flower
To begin planting and caring for perennial koreopsis, you need to know the basic principles of growing this plant. Although it is rather unpretentious and perfectly suits in the wild, some nuances must be taken into account.
First of all - the choice of place. There must be a lot of light on it, because the coreopsis is called the children of the sun. Some species can be planted next to tall trees. These include the pink and whorled appearance of the flower. A small shadow for them is not a hindrance. Koreopsis is a multi-year, the photo of which is shown below, miraculously tolerates winters of medium latitudes. Therefore, he does not need additional shelter.
The next nuance is the composition of the soil. Although the plant is unpretentious, yet it needs useful elements and high-quality moisturizing. Therefore, the land that holds water is not suitable for growing a sun flower.
The photo of the multi-year-old coreopsis, landing and leaving of which is carried out correctly, causes an unprecedented admiration. A few simple rules will help to achieve this result.To grow a flower it is possible by sowing seeds directly in an open ground or for seedling. In the first case, the planting material is lowered into the soil in spring or autumn. As the seeds are frost-resistant, winter is not a hindrance for them.
Plant planted in this way will blossom only a year later. If you do not want to wait that long, it's better to use seedlings.
Fans of Koreopsis who want to enjoy its beauty this summer, use a seedling method. To do this, in early spring, containers with fertile soil are prepared. Then the seeds are laid out on the surface, slightly pressed down with fingers, covered with sand and sprinkled with water. To create a greenhouse environment, the containers are covered with a polyethylene film or glass.
They also practice planting seeds in peat pills. When the seedlings appear, they leave the strongest sprout. The rest is cut with manicure scissors.
Cultivation from the seeds of large-flowered coreopsis is carried out in a well-lit room. The temperature should not be below 15 ° C. Crops are regularly sprayed from a manual spray gun. When the first shoots appear, the glass is removed. During the first 14 days, diving seedlings are produced. The distance between them is about 2 cm. When the greens rise to 12 cm in height, the flower is planted in pots, and when rooted - in the open ground.
Some types of seedlings of coropopsis get sick with a "black leg". The main reason is an excess of moisture. Therefore, it should be watered sparingly and judiciously.
Before planting a flower on a plot, it is desirable to temper it. For this, the containers are periodically taken out to open air. When the threat of frost passes, the seedlings are planted in the open ground at a distance of 60 cm from each other. With the help of seedlings it is possible to grow almost any kind of koreopsis.
In some cases, gardeners also use vegetative propagation of the plant. To do this, in the middle of autumn it is digged and divided into several parts. Then lay out on the holes and cover with earth. Use this method once every 3 years to preserve the decorative effect of the sun flower.
Popular types of koreopsis
According to botanists, about 100 varieties of this bright plant are known in the natural environment. In gardening only about 30 are used. Each of them has its own peculiarity, unique beauty and attractiveness. Consider the most popular species.
Elegant garden highlight
So you can call koreopsis whorled, which is a branched bush height of 100 cm, and a width of 60 cm. It is decorated with light green leaves oblong in shape, resembling needles. Yellow ligulate petals of buds are located around the brown core, which gives the plant an original appearance. The maximum size of the inflorescence is about 5 cm. The first appear in early June. The latter - in the middle of autumn. In a natural environment, such a sort of coreopsis is found in the southeastern United States. Propagate the flower with the help of seedling and sowing seeds in the open ground.
This sun flower perfectly feels in one place for 6 years.
There are several varieties of this flower. For example, koreopsis whorled "Ruby Red" is characterized by bright red buds with serrated petals. The central part of the flower is colored orange or red. A narrow sheet plate is glamorously divided in half by a longitudinal vein. The plant is resistant to colds, it develops well in the penumbra and is unpretentious to the type of soil.
Yellow Sunflower Lights
Coreopsis lanceolate received its name for the original shape of the leaves. They are collected in small bundles in the basal region of the stem. Color is most often pale green, although there are species with a more saturated color.
The buds are of a drooping nature, half-mahogany. In diameter - up to 6 cm. Painted in a bright yellow color (sometimes with burgundy patches). Inflorescences grow on single shoots 60 cm long at the end of summer. In nature, the flower grows in the USA, Canada and in some areas of Mexico. The Japanese islands were imported as a decorative culture. Currently it is widely used in various landscape projects.
A gentle gift to aspiring gardeners
Coreopsis large-flowered perfectly suits on any kind of soil. In the natural environment (southeastern United States) it can be seen in open meadows and near roads. The flower withstands the summer heat without losing its tender beauty. Miraculously carries the salt and wind of the sea coast. It is grown on city streets, household plots and even on roofs of houses, which is very fashionable recently.
Coryopsis grows up to 1 m in height. Has erect branched shoots. The leaf plate is pinnately dissected. The buds of yellow color in the form of a basket consist of ligulate tubular petals, which appear in the middle of summer. To constantly enjoy the sun flower on the site, it is advisable to regularly update the bushes. Experienced gardeners do this every 3 years. Having listened to the advice of specialists, it is possible to successfully grow these delicate flowers in their summer cottages.