For several hundred years, wax has been one of the best wood floor care products. And since the technology of working with materials has been simplified, and the composition of the emulsion has become better to protect the tree, the method is becoming more and more popular.

Why wax the floor
The content of the article
- Why wax the floor
- What kind of coating should be waxed
- How to wax the floor
Wax is used to polish the floor, if you want to keep the beautiful appearance of the coating for as long as possible. In addition, a protective layer of parquet appears if you use oil instead of varnish. In the process of rubbing the floor, the tool allows you to tightly seal the seams. Due to this, moisture and dust will not accumulate between the joints, and the appearance of the coating will not deteriorate.
The composition impregnates the wood, creating a glossy film on its surface. The coating is thin, but resistant to defects, it is able to protect the floor from scratches and water. Such a composition will help to give the floor shine and cleanliness, as it was after the installation of parquet.

What kind of coating should be waxed
Any wood flooring can be waxed. Typically, parquet is made of ash, beech, oak or coniferous species. A wax coating is considered better than regular varnish, because the mixture contains oils that do not just cover the floor, but are absorbed into it. The coating becomes durable. The benefits of using the following:
- Sex becomes anti-static.
- The coating is warm to the touch and not as slippery as that which is varnished.
- Oil penetrates, protecting materials from the inside.
- On the floor covered with such a tool, scratches, defects, scuffs and so on are weakly visible.
- Excellent waterproof performance. It repels moisture, protecting the floor from mold and rot.
You can even rub exotic woods, unlike varnish, which is not suitable for all types of wood.

How to wax the floor
Before rubbing, the floor must be cleaned of debris and dust. Wax is a dense substance, and is applied to the parquet with a thin layer. Then it should be left for a while, until it dries. After that, you can start polishing. This is done with a soft felt or a grinding machine.
Pre-wash the parquet, remove dust, dirt, debris, remove furniture, carpets. We are preparing a solution. After that, you can start work.
First you need to grate the old layer of wax, which has been preserved after previous work, and only then you can use the new composition. On sale you can find oil with dyes that will allow the parquet to acquire a completely new look. After a while, the old composition can be removed and rubbed with a new one if you want to change the shade.

Before starting work, the floors are covered with oil. And only after the oil has completely dried, you can use such a tool (usually it takes 2 days). It is applied in several layers, each of which must be polished to level the surface. The advantage of the technology is that all minor scratches and defects on the tree will disappear.
Polishing the floor with wax is an affordable and easy way to restore the appearance of a parquet. But the protective shell also allows you to extend the life of coatings, protecting them from defects. The main thing is to do all the work correctly, and choose a quality solution (read the instructions before buying).