Laying tiles diagonally on the floor: how to calculate the number of tiles for laying on the floor diagonally, the technique of laying tiles on the floor diagonally.

Tile diagonally.Tile or porcelain stoneware is a popular option for flooring indoors. There are several styling options. For example, diagonally. Many do not dare to use this method, considering it difficult. But, knowing all the nuances of installation and observing the required rules, you can independently lay the tile in an original way.

How to calculate the number of tiles for laying on the floor diagonally

The content of the article

  • How to calculate the number of tiles for laying on the floor diagonally
  • Marking and preparation of the surface for laying
  • The technique of laying tiles on the floor diagonally
    • Angular way
    • From the center
  • Pros and cons of laying diagonally

The calculation of the required quantity is carried out, as with conventional installation:

  • you need to measure the total area of ​​the room;
  • if it is not required to lay out a picture, then the obtained value must be divided into the area of ​​one product - when laying out a picture, you should know the size of each element;
  • instagram viewer
  • approximately 20% must be added to the figure obtained - this is the margin for trimmings and damage that occurred during the performance of work;
  • since the diagonal version requires more material, it is necessary to add another 15% to the result with rounding up;
  • the number is divided by the number of tiles in the package - the total number of packages required for work is obtained.
Option tiles for laying diagonally.

ATTENTION! If possible, it is necessary to buy several pieces of tiles separately for stock.

Marking and preparation of the surface for laying

In order for the installation to be performed correctly, and the result is accurate, you need to make markup. This is done as follows:

  • with the help of two cords, the center of the room should be determined - the ropes must be stretched from one corner to another;
  • the rope needs to be pulled through a certain center, this should be done perpendicular to the walls - this will determine the angles according to which the tile will be located.
Layout tiles.

ATTENTION! To check the correct layout, you need to lay out the tiles and evaluate the result. If everything is done correctly, you can begin to prepare the foundation.

Tiles are laid out on a flat surface. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate irregularities and defects, as well as remove dirt and dust. Then degrease and prime.

If the screed is not used, then you can take the mixture for a self-leveling bulk floor. The dry composition must be diluted with water according to the instructions that are indicated on its packaging.

The resulting solution is applied to the base and evenly distributed throughout the room using a roller. Then you should leave the floor until the mixture has completely dried. If everything was done correctly, you will get a flat surface.

The technique of laying tiles on the floor diagonally

Laying the flooring can be done in two ways: from the center or corner.

Angular way

This option is used for installation in rooms with a small area, as well as if tiles of the same color are used. It is quite time consuming. The process should begin with an angle that is viewed primarily when entering the room. When using this installation method, you need to check that the tile is exactly perpendicular to the corner. To achieve a more accurate result, sometimes you have to slightly shift the tile.

Angular styling diagonally.

From the center

The method is especially convenient when installing tiles in a square-shaped room. The first thing in the center of the room is to lay out a rhombus. After which all the whole elements are laid out. Cut tiles along the walls are placed last.

Laying tiles from the center.

ATTENTION! It is advisable to pre-prepare a scheme according to which work will be performed by printing or drawing it on a sheet of paper. This will greatly simplify the process.

Work Stages:

  • after the method is chosen, it is advisable to lay the tiles on the floor - if the result is satisfactory, you can proceed to laying;
  • apply adhesive to the tile - if the room is large, then it is allowed to apply the solution on the floor so that it is enough for about 4 elements;
  • with the help of the level, it is necessary to level the tile and press it firmly to the base - all laid out tiles should be parallel to one line, it is advisable to check for evenness elements;
  • to avoid the appearance of voids, the tile must be moved from side to side;
  • the width of the seams should be adjusted with crosses, which must be installed after each laid element;
  • installation of scraps against the wall is carried out after the whole tile is laid - you need to start from the very extreme corner;
  • the last step is to grout;
  • All excess glue and grout must be removed and the tiles left until the mortar and the fugue are completely dry.

Pros and cons of laying diagonally

Before starting installation work, you need to consider the pros and cons.

The advantages are:

  1. Originality. Installation in a diagonal way is extremely rare, because the room will look unusual. The method allows you to perform various patterns and use several colors.
  2. Saving. With the right job, you can significantly save on materials. It is worth adding that this is possible if the work is performed by an experienced master.
  3. Expansion of space. Diagonal layout visually expands the space.
Combined tile laying option.

The cons include:

  • this is a rather time-consuming and painstaking process and can take a long time for an inexperienced person;
  • it is difficult for a beginner to achieve perfect execution the first time, so spending on building materials can increase.

Although this is a fairly difficult process, a novice can do it. Following the recommendations and using quality materials, you can get an original and unusual floor.

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