Tile in the hallway on the floor: photo, which is better

The entrance hall serves as a link between the street and the apartment. Therefore, she has to take on the impact of a number of factors:

  • meteorological - temperature and humidity;
  • mechanical rendered shoes;
  • chemical because of the aggressive substances that are used when cleaning street areas in winter.

As a result, the flooring in the hallway can quickly wear out, crack, lose its appearance and attractiveness. The most optimal solution in this situation is the use of tiles, which in terms of strength characteristics surpasses all other types of coatings and has a wide range of sizes, colors and various design solutions.

Which tile looks better in the hallway on the floor

The content of the article

  • Which tile looks better in the hallway on the floor
  • Examples of different layouts of tiles in the hallway
  • The choice of colors for tiles under the interior

Tile in the hallway on the floor: photoWhen choosing a tile, you must pay attention to its resistance to moisture and chemicals, wear resistance and durability to loads, lack of injury due to too smooth surface and compliance with the interior premises. When flooring, different types of tiled products are used.

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Traditional and most commonly used is ceramic tile, which is made by firing clay.

This makes it resistant to wear, temperature extremes and durable. A wide palette of color solutions allows you to implement any design decisions.
Porcelain tiles belong to the class of tiles with increased strength.

This is achieved through the use of rock crumbs in high-quality clay. According to other characteristics, it is close to ceramics. The cost of porcelain is higher than that of ceramic products. Quartz vinyl tile is created on the basis of quartz sand, which provides strength and resistance to moisture and temperature.

For flexibility and plasticity of the product, facilitating its installation, stabilizers and plasticizers are added to the composition, and pigments are used to obtain various color solutions.

Each of the considered types can be used when laying in the hallway. An unequivocal answer to the question of what tile coating will look better can not be done because it depends on its size, color and pattern, method of installation and how it harmonizes with the interior of the room.

Examples of different layouts of tiles in the hallway

Examples of different layouts of tiles in the hallwayThere are different ways to floor the corridor. The simplest and most often used is row laying, in which the elements are installed to each other. The rows should be straight and straight. This is the fastest way. The use of large tile products allows you to visually increase the floor area.

It is possible to lay it at an angle to the wall when the initial coating element is transformed from a square to a rhombus. Sex in this case will look much more interesting. But for the implementation of this method requires trimming a significant number of tiles, which increases its complexity and leads to the formation of a large amount of waste.

If the elements in the rows are installed with a shift, then the resulting pattern will resemble brickwork. In this case, you can use the tiled coating of both square and rectangular shapes.

From rectangular products imitation of a parquet floor is possible. To do this, tiles are laid in the Christmas tree way. If the first element is laid parallel to the wall, then the resulting pattern will be located on the diagonal of the room and multiple cutting of tile products will not be required. When choosing a material for this method, you do not need to use tiles with imitation of natural stone, because it will look awkward. The sizes of elements can be large and small, as well as different colors. The alternation of colors can be strict or chaotic.

The modular method involves the use of products of different sizes. For example, large tiles are installed with a shift, and the free space is filled with elements of smaller sizes. Implementation requires good preparation and experience.

A wide range of tile products with different colors and patterns, a variety of decorative inserts allow the carpet method to be implemented in the process of flooring. Its essence lies in the fact that a drawing is first created from the elements available in the catalogs, which is then implemented. The method of installing tile elements in this case depends on the developed sketch.

The choice of colors for tiles under the interior

The choice of colors for tiles under the interiorThere are so many options for the color solutions of tiled products that are offered today (see the photo) that choosing a specific one is not an easy task. Therefore, it is necessary first of all to take into account some basic principles.

Light colors such as white, beige and walnut contribute to a visual increase in area, but, on the other hand, are very easily soiled. All street dirt with shoes enters the hallway and will be constantly visible against a light background of the coating. This problem is not solved by the choice of dark tones that do not hide traces of dirt and scratches.

In addition, they steal space and are not used in small areas. Most preferred are muted tones, and the presence of a pattern or patterned surface on them will make the design of the hallway more attractive.

When choosing and installing tiles in the hallway, various factors must be taken into account. The information in this article focuses on the main points of this process and contributes to the correct decision-making.

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