What is better tile or porcelain tile on the floor: a comparison of the parameters

Today, porcelain tiles and tiles are often used as coatings. To find out which is better, you need to familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages of products.

Advantages and disadvantages of porcelain stoneware

The content of the article

  • Advantages and disadvantages of porcelain stoneware
  • Pros and Cons of Floor Tiles
  • What is better porcelain tile or tile

Among the advantages are:

  1. Color is spread over the entire surface, and not just in the workplace.
  2. The finished design is several times stronger than a standard tile.
  3. The design has good hardness indicators.
  4. Excellent resistance to cold.
  5. Appearance lasts a very long time.
  6. Very low water absorption. It can be used not only in the kitchen and in the bathroom, but also in the bath and sauna.
Porcelain or tile which is better

Important! Porcelain tile is an environmentally friendly product.

But there are also disadvantages:

  1. The material in its normal form (when not mounted) is very fragile. Be careful when transporting.
  2. It is practically not amenable to processing.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. The final product weighs a lot.
  5. There is no large selection of shapes and patterns.
  6. The price is higher than tile.

Pros and Cons of Floor Tiles

Among the advantages can be identified:

  1. The increased term of operation.
  2. The material is very durable, given its purpose.
  3. A huge selection of products in different colors and shapes.
  4. Excellent stiffness.
  5. Environmentally friendly materials.
  6. Resistance to sharp temperature drops.
  7. The material is protected from moisture.
  8. Affordable price.
Porcelain or tile which is better

Attention! The tile has significantly less weight.

The disadvantages are as follows:

  1. When compared with porcelain stoneware, the tile absorbs moisture more.
  2. The tile is not so strong.
  3. She will keep their appearance worse. Over time, the pattern fades, and the paint erases.

What is better porcelain tile or tile

It is impossible to say that a particular product is better. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice depends on the type of room. Porcelain tiles are more suitable for the kitchen and bathroom, since it practically does not absorb moisture, and for rooms with a high floor load (it is very durable).

Porcelain or tile which is better

For other rooms, tile is more suitable. It is also chosen to cover a porch or porch. And also such material is more suitable for covering partitions (porcelain stoneware has a large weight, its installation can lead to structural failure).

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