How to disassemble the remote control from the TV yourself

disassemble the remoteTV is an integral part of the life of any person, regardless of their gender and age. Even if the average person prefers to use media from the Internet most of the time, he still needs to deal with TV devices to watch movies or TV shows on the big screen. All televisions are equipped with special remote controls that allow you to control the settings without getting up from the couch. This addition to the TV is undoubtedly useful, and facilitates the use of the device, however, this thing quite fragile and susceptible to external influences due to which breakdowns may occur that are necessary solve.

Why have to disassemble the remote control from the TV

The content of the article

  • Why have to disassemble the remote control from the TV
  • Instructions on how to disassemble

disassembled remoteUsually, the remote control is disassembled if you need to find out why the device does not work correctly. And also for troubleshooting on your own. Often, disassembly and assembly of this device is necessary during cleaning. The device is often dirty, which disrupts its operation, so regular cleaning is absolutely necessary.

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The remote control device is quite complex, so not every user can immediately diagnose and fix the problem. Do not disassemble such a technologically complex device without having special knowledge and skills.

Although it’s sometimes interesting for everyone to see “how everything is inside”, therefore, detailed instructions on how to properly disassemble and assemble the remote control from the TV will be presented below.

Disassembling the remote control may not be such a simple task, especially if the device does not have connecting bolts, which may confuse some users.

Attention! Remember that brute force can damage the chip. Which will lead to a complete malfunction of this device.

In order to disassemble the remote control, the user only needs a small screwdriver. A flat one is better, but a cross can also come in handy. Therefore, it is recommended that you have both options at hand.

If, in addition to the analysis, it is planned to clean the device, an alcohol solution (with a large ratio of C2H5OH) and cotton swabs or napkins should be prepared.

You should also prepare a soft and clean surface where the user places the chip.

Instructions on how to disassemble

If bolted:

  1. First, remove the batteries. Usually, connecting bolts are located under the cover of the nutrient compartment. Unscrew them using a special screwdriver.
  2. After the bolts are unscrewed, carefully separate the two parts of the housing.

Attention! Do not use brute force, as this may damage the mounting mechanism or microcircuit.

Inside, the user will be able to see the rubber gasket on which the buttons are located, and underneath the chip itself.

Attention! Unscrewed parts should be stored in a separate place so as not to lose.

how to assemble the remote control backThe remote control can be considered disassembled. Next, an option will be considered in which no connecting bolts are found on the device case.

  1. After the batteries are removed, a flat screwdriver should be inserted into the junction of the case. Typically, special latches are located on the top and bottom of the case, so the screwdriver should be inserted exactly there.
  2. After the user hears a characteristic click, open the latches on the other end.
  3. After both mounting mechanisms are open, carefully separate the two halves of the housing.

Here are a couple of tips for parsing the TV remote.

Some covers have additional latches and do not open upward, but by moving to the side or forward.

The chip is usually not fixed. She often just lies in the grooves, and to take it out is not difficult. After removing the chip, do not put it on a dirty surface, as dirt can impair the functionality of the buttons.

When removing the microcircuit, care should be taken with protruding parts such as capacitors and an emitting LED. Having damaged these parts, the remote control will completely lose its working capacity, and restore them without special knowledge and skills, and also without additional accessories in the form of a soldering iron and a magnifying glass, the ordinary user will problematic.

If the analysis of the device is caused by the need to clean the microcircuit from dust or dirt. Then you should use an alcohol solution. He can clear the contacts and restore the remote control.

Also, it’s worth cleaning not only the contacts of the microcircuit, but also the buttons on the special rubberized gasket.

After cleaning, allow the parts to dry before reassembling.

If simple cleaning did not help restore the functionality of the device, you should take it to a repair shop or purchase a new one.

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