Varieties of tomatoes resistant to late blight are relevant

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Phytophthorosis is one of the most dangerous diseases to which Solanaceous cultures are susceptible. Phytophthora on tomatoes is one of the main reasons for the death of tomato crops in places with a humid and / or cool climate. The relationship between the humidity of the atmosphere and the appearance of brown spots on plants and fruits is so obvious that not too educated plant growers talk about "harmful" fogs and "poisonous" rains, although these climatic events only increase the humidity and thereby promote reproduction fungus. There is also a significant increase in the number of diseased plants after a sharp temperature drop.

For a long time it was thought that mycelia (mycelium) of Phytophthora infestans fungus mainly hibernate potato tubers, and tomatoes are already infected from affected potato plants, but it turned out wrong. Spores of fungi are very resistant to frost, and therefore they can be infected even with soil, not to mention plant residues and stored in warm seeds. And if the seeds are completely treated before planting, then it will be extremely difficult to exterminate all the foci of infection in the soil and the construction of the greenhouses.

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Therefore, varieties of tomatoes resistant to late blight are of the greatest interest to all who cultivate this crop, both for household needs and on an industrial scale.

Of course, for certain localities and growing conditions, different varieties can be recommended.

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So, for example, varieties of tomatoes resistant to late blight in Ukraine, others are recommended, than somewhere near Kaluga or in the Urals. This is due to the different composition of soils, and significant differences in climatic conditions.

If too short and cool summer requires growing tomatoes in greenhouses, then perhaps it is worth giving preference to hybrid varieties, created specifically for growing in such conditions.

What are they?

It should be noted that as early as resistant to phytophthora varieties, early-ripening varieties of tomatoes are often offered.

This is due to the fact that the longer the bush lives, the more it, first, the danger of being infected, and secondly, it will transfer more temperature and humidity fluctuations, provoking development disease.

So, for example, in many regions with medium and high humidity since the end of July, it is extremely difficult to save tomatoes from disease with late blight. And the varieties, positioned as persistent, just fall ill a week later or get sick less severely. But, unfortunately, the presence of infection still adversely affects the preservation of the crop. Part of the fruit does not have time to ripen, and ripened - too quickly deteriorate.

Nevertheless, the cultivation of resistant varieties still gives a tangible effect, but it is sometimes necessary to establish which ones are really good for specific conditions.

Someone year after year prefers the sort of Bobkat, Cameo, Sunfighter, De-Barao, White Pillar 241, Moskvich, Morkovny, Moscow Lights, Otradny, the Little Prince, someone is forced to plant mainly early ripening hybrids, focusing on the fact that the plants will be able to harvest before disease.


To varieties of tomatoes that are resistant to late blight in the suburbs are:

  • Gnome. Refers to early ripening varieties, designed for open ground.
  • Alpatieva 905 A. Designed for growing outdoors.
  • Budenovka. It refers to medium-term varieties, is intended for growing both under the film shelter and in the open ground.
  • De Barao. Late-ripening harvest variety with good taste and technical qualities.
  • De Barao is black. Late-ripening harvest shade-tolerant variety, intended for growing under a film and in the open ground.
  • Skylark F1. Early ripened hybrid variety with good indicators of fruit tie, taste and technical qualities.
  • Oakwood (Dubrava). Early ripening high-yielding variety, intended for growing for open ground.
  • La-la-fa F1. A hybrid medium-ripening variety, good for any kind of use.
  • Union 8 F1. Hybrid early maturing variety. Suitable for growing outdoors and greenhouses.
  • Snowstorm. Medium-ripening variety with good productivity and increased cold resistance, is intended for growing outdoors.
  • Tsar Peter. Quite resistant to many diseases is an average cold-resistant variety. It is popular with summer residents, grown both in the open ground and in greenhouses.
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Hybrids or non-hybrids, imported or domestic?

Many amateur plant growers are highly appreciated in terms of resistance to late blight hybrid Dutch varieties, but growing vegetables for themselves, the same summer residents recognize the rather low taste qualities of the "Dutch". Nevertheless, domestic varieties adapted to local conditions and selected for resistance to diseases are more attractive - more opportunity to find your own option, at the same time tasty and productive.

In general, the most successful varieties of tomatoes that are resistant to late blight in the suburbs are either cold-hardy or early-ripening varieties, which is not surprising given the climate.

In even more "low-fire" regions low-quality varieties of tomatoes resistant to late blight are valued. It is caused by the fact that low plants are much easier to hide from sudden frosts, because the greenhouse is far away not always the best option, tomatoes "love" the aerated beds and produce more fruit on them regardless of the variety.

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It is possible to list several domestic low-growing varieties of tomatoes that are resistant to late blight:

  • Gnome.
  • Far North.
  • Alaska.
  • Polar Early maturing.
  • Snowdrop.
  • Bullfinch.
  • Rose of Wind.
  • Sub-Arctic.
  • Snow fairy tale.
  • Yamal.
  • Taimyr.

As it is easy to understand from the titles, most of them were created specifically for a short and short summer and at least partial cultivation under a film or in a greenhouse. Therefore, these varieties may not be particularly high yield, and not all of them are good for long-term transport. But it is perfectly compensated by decent taste qualities and the ability to grow tomatoes in places where it was considered impossible several decades ago.

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